Arizona Chickens

Hugs to Mahorni (I saw a hug smilie once, but can't find it now)

Every one on this thread is so supportive:) Gives me the warm fuzzies. I am glad to have found BYC.

Mahonri: I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Marans. I hope that you get a good hatch from the eggs.

Bob: Thank you for the update. I'm glad he's doing well, and that you're enjoying him.
Good morning, everyone! I think I may be the furthest south out of this group. I just want to let you know about something going on at my church this week. It is obviously too far for the Phoenix area folks, but Tucson wouldn't be TOO horrible.
My church is in Tubac at exit 34 right off of I-19. We do a little presentation called "A Night in Bethlehem." I am actally in charge of the whole thing and it is WONDERFUL, if I may be so bold. The whole sanctuary is turned into a Bethlehem marketplace 2,000 years ago. There are shops where the kids make crafts (like weaving baskets, baking bread, making dreidels, perfume, etc.) and earn coins, which are spent between the nasty tax collector, the beggars, and the candy seller. There are farm animals and foods that were probably eaten at the time. There is a live nativity and farm animals. My chickens are actually in the nativity. Last year I had an egotistical rooster that loudly crowed the whole time. It was obnoxious, but the kids loved it! The best part for many people is that the whole thing is FREE!! If any of you are able to make it, please say hello to me. I will be taking pictures in the photo booth and running around "putting out fires" in between.
Mahonri: So sorry about your birds, that is terrible. Hope everything works out for you and getting more.

Morning everyone! I really wish we could have some winter like weather around here. I finally got up the Christmas lights outside.
I normally have that done Thanksgiving weekend but this year has been crazy. The kiddos were thrilled.

Still NO eggs for me!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning everyone!

I am starting my new job today. It is just a temp position, but you know how much it stinks being the new girl. Wish me luck.
Mahonri, just read all the posts. So sorry about the poisoning of your flock! What a disaster
. Hope everybody else is ok!

Laree, good luck with your new job! That new girl thing will be over fast. And everybody is thinking about christmas shopping and cookies anyway... Just fly under the radar for a couple of days and it will fell to the rest like you have been there forever.
I have a crazy chick that is eating feathers! Some of my birds are definitely missing a lot of feathers. No blood anywhere though. They are all 4-5 week old, have plenty of space and commercial chick feed. Every day they also get some veggies or scratch to pick on. I am using red light for warmth. Any idea why this is happening or what I could do against it? I am not even sure who does it. It never happens when I am in the coop watching them.

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