Arizona Chickens

Sorry that you lost that one. You can have Dori help you to hatch some more of them.
I came home to find her off the nest, but still not in a great mood. Maybe she just wanted something to eat?

This is the first day since the Leghorns started laying that I haven't gotten a single egg! Maybe later today? Weird. No Dorking eggs, no Leghorn eggs. And Dora has been sitting on ceramic eggs.
I came home to find her off the nest, but still not in a great mood. Maybe she just wanted something to eat?

This is the first day since the Leghorns started laying that I haven't gotten a single egg! Maybe later today? Weird. No Dorking eggs, no Leghorn eggs. And Dora has been sitting on ceramic eggs.
maybe they're hiding their secret nest?
Just curious as to what breed that your broody is. Mine is a NN/Breese mix, and I know that @Geckolady has a Silver Grey Dorking that is.
Welsummer this time. I have no more broody pens right now, so I have two weeks to kick the marans out of the broody pen and put her chicks in with some others. I use those pens to transition little from the brooder to ground before they go to their new homes or to the flock runs. I've also got the brooders full as I have two brooders that need to move to the broody pens and I don't have a free one yet.
Welsummer this time. I have no more broody pens right now, so I have two weeks to kick the marans out of the broody pen and put her chicks in with some others. I use those pens to transition little from the brooder to ground before they go to their new homes or to the flock runs. I've also got the brooders full as I have two brooders that need to move to the broody pens and I don't have a free one yet.

Your a bigger hatch-a-holic then I am.
This time a year I usually hatch out every week. And I am hatching every month. I took a 3 month break back in October after moving to the new farm, the first break in several years. And I plan to load a couple dozen more eggs into the incubator tonight

Well, good luck with those one's too!

When these other one's that I have hatch on June 4th or 5th, I'm taking a break on hatching for the summer. I need to grow all of these out to see what I have and what will stay or go.

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