Arizona Chickens

The Aflatoxin in corn is made worse by poor growing conditions, like drought which is very bad this year. It is in the corn in the field, before it is even milled into feed. .... Problem is you can not smell it usually. Some bedding made from corn cobs will have it, too.
I had looked for the "bestcob" corn cob horse bedding and TSC stopped carrying it. Cal-Ranch had never heard of the concept. Maybe it's a weather-related shortage, probably aggravated by all the other shortages we had this past year.
It's good not to be so dependent on large supply chains if these cyber attacks keep coming. It gives the next bad guys an idea of our weaknesses and what to test next.

I agree, and could it also be because of the push that they want to make the cloned process meat's that would be grown in those 3-D printer's, so that they can get rid of the feed lot's to use the land to develop more housing or something?
I agree, and could it also be because of the push that they want to make the cloned process meat's that would be grown in those 3-D printer's, so that they can get rid of the feed lot's to use the land to develop more housing or something?
Yes, we don't really know who the bad guys are or their motives, and maybe another attacker sees opportunity to pounce while a target is crippled. Same thing happens in nature. Kinda funny - we think we are smarter than nature. You couldn't write Sci-Fi better than 3D meat salvation being our doom.
Yes, we don't really know who the bad guys are or their motives, and maybe another attacker sees opportunity to pounce while a target is crippled. Same thing happens in nature. Kinda funny - we think we are smarter than nature. You couldn't write Sci-Fi better than 3D meat salvation being our doom.

Yes, and the fact that plant-based meat substitutes have been being pushed, too?
Well, I ordered one of these Fly Predator thing's today from Amazon that's supposed to be here on Monday. I want to see how well that they work before the monsoon starts because fly's like all of that wet ground moisture.
Curious to find out how effective these are. I still only use the fly traps. Purchase some, and use my home- made ones. I keep about 5 in separate areas, and they do trap a gazzilion flies.

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