Arizona Chickens

What's a battery hen video?

I thought id share a picture of Goner. For those who remember, he was a hatchery chick last year and he "died" and was smashed flat in the brooder and when I picked him off the floor I thought his wind would pull off cause it was stuck to the floor. When I picked him out of there I said to my husband "this ones a Goner" and put him in a box with the other dead chicks. Hours later I heard a peep from the box and it was him. He lived in a crate on the counter for weeks. Here he is today. I was surprised he lived.

Mahlo: I can't PM you, because your box is full. I can get you eggs either Thursday or Friday, and I live in West Mesa.
Gross out alert. That was nasty. And it's why we're all keeping our own lovingly spoiled chickens, huh?

And why I will supply anybody in reach with happy eggs so they don't have to ever eat an egg produced in such terrible conditions. May all these farms go bankrupt! (Sounds harsh but I think workers are better off without a job than exposing themselves to/commiting cruelty every day).
I knew I couldn't watch a cruelty video so I googled a text version instead. The description I read is good enough to make me think about going vegetarian.

Of course it doesn't help that my three chickens are perfectly content to sit on my lap while I pet them. I had my EE Betty a year before I got the other two so Betty prefers the company of me and my wife to other chickens. She is a true lap chicken. Thank god I don't have carpet.
If only chickens didn't poop so much they'd be the perfect pet.

It amazes me how cruel people can be to animals for the sake of monetary profit.

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