Arizona Chickens

So are you going to drive to Phoenix tomorrow for the eggs?

Yes I would like to but it doesn't look like I get to this time. Hopefuly soon.
Going to the "poultry seminar" sponsered by Purina at Karsten's tonight. I'm sure I've learned more from you all though. I currently feed Purina, but would like to know more about their products. Karsten's is at Tatum & Dynamite in N. Phoenix if anyone was interested.
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Sounds interesting. I really love their "Flock Raiser".

I'll be going to the Mr. Shadow competition at Shadow Mountain High tonight... my son is competing.

It's for the March of Dimes.
Ok...I am up this morning, but I really don't want to be,LOL

Anyone in AZ or do you know of someone in a close state that has Quail eggs that they can ship me, I need to make more Adults and the closer to me that the eggs come from the better. I would love to be able to pick some up in Phoenix or something but at this time we are too busy getting ready for the new house. Not moving off our ten acres....just getting a new manufactured home
NoSkiveez has quail eggs
she ships chicken eggs
but maybe she can shipped you
some quail eggs

I know that she does, but she didn't have the small cartons to ship them, we had been trying to meet up in Phoenix but we have just gotten WAY to busy

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