Arizona Chickens

Can you take some full body shots. Including the legs? Also, how old is she/he?
From these pictures, depending on age, it looks like a pullet.

Just over 8 weeks. We have 3 and Pepper is the only one with red waddles and a larger, peaked comb. Pepper avoids being picked up and is very vocal about it, but has no problem hanging on the lap once picked up. I can get some better pics tomorrow afternoon.
I do.t know what happened there. I'm missing a couple pics. But there's a few! The one with the most color, second to last pic, LOVES being called fabio. I called him it again today and he immediately stood up, looked at me in the eyes, and then started preening. It was like he was saying "I'm sexy and I know it". Lmao :D
LOL - Here's my Fabio... his official baby name was Chubby Cheeks, but we call him Fabio more often - it's the way he throws his "hair" around. :lau
OH MY!! He is Definitely a Fabio!
Wow jeepgirl13! Those pictures are amazing!

Here are my chick pics. They are 3 weeks old, can anyone tell the roos from the pullets?

3 Barred rocks:

3 New Hampshires:

A Sexlink:
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Please help came home to find my chicken like this
Well, before chicken math hit me and I knew about this site, I boutht one of those little pre-made coops....yeah...I now see why they are not very good. But I decided until I get my larger coop built I would do some minor modifications to the existing one!

Here I added a little shelf I built to get the food and water off the dirt. Now the water is shaded all day and it doesn't get the tons of dirt in it!!

Next I built them a roost from a branch I had, the only thing now is getting them to use it....will they figure it out or ignore it? I put them on it a couple times but they are not interested in staying on it. Should I make it the same highth all the way across? I figured if I angled it the head hen would take the higher side. Any ideas to motivate them to roost? They sleep on the floor right now.

Well, before chicken math hit me and I knew about this site, I boutht one of those little pre-made coops....yeah...I now see why they are not very good. But I decided until I get my larger coop built I would do some minor modifications to the existing one!

Here I added a little shelf I built to get the food and water off the dirt. Now the water is shaded all day and it doesn't get the tons of dirt in it!!

Next I built them a roost from a branch I had, the only thing now is getting them to use it....will they figure it out or ignore it? I put them on it a couple times but they are not interested in staying on it. Should I make it the same highth all the way across? I figured if I angled it the head hen would take the higher side. Any ideas to motivate them to roost? They sleep on the floor right now.

Mine only occasionally roosted until they hit about 4-5 weeks. After that it was a gradual thing until now (8 weeks). Now they roost all night.
I love all the baby chick pictures! One of my Ameraucanas has been spending a lot of time in the nesting box, but not acting particularly broody. She was evil last time she was broody, but now she just sits there and let's me pick her up without fussing, no puffing up or anything. I'll give her a few more days. My kids are anxious to incubate some of our eggs, and since DH won't go for an incubator, I have to wait for a broody. :(

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