Arizona Chickens

Bravo Flower!

:mad:Flower and I went to the Fair and saw ZZ TOP. the show was great. But........
First I made a trip down to get tickets, wanted good sets. The line was very long, I expected that.
This is were it goes bad!

I did not expect it to take an hour and half to get in. We were not that fare back in the line. It took so long because we had to line up, men on the left, woman on the right. Each of us had to be patted down, purses and pockets searched. They found my NEW (purchased Saturday) 3" metal fingernail file, OMG!!!! Dangerous weapon, it was confiscated, I could not get it Back. To ad injury the guy was pleased to make sure I saw in throw it away. I should know better then to have weapons! At a consert. I know were my sets were, I started to the right.

Stopped had ticket checked and scanned. [Now, Flower and I had be separated on getting in.] I was told I was going in the wrong direction, I was directed to the left. I went to what I thought was were I was to be, it looked full, did not see Flower. My ticket checked again, sent to the balcony? Re-directed down to the ground floor 5th row. I had it checked again.... Was directed back to the 5th row, worked myself down 20 full sets..... No Flower,
people in the set. All 20 sets had people in them. I make my way back to the floor. Ticket checked again. I was directed back to the entrance check point. This time I was directed to the right. I found Flower, we had great sets. But ZZ Top was in full swing. People were still coming in. Most of us were between 45 and 80, few youngsters 35 or younger. We are known as a dangerous group. When we left we has to go to a different exit. Somebody was being give CPR, ya! We old folks are dangerous. We are so accustom to respect and living in a fee country... Get used to it our freedoms are do longer. You are guilty until proven innocent, not innocent until proven guilty........

I do not believe I will be attending very many more concerts unless Elvis, Bob Marley, and James Brown are appearing on stage live. I will be naked going in.

Yes, ZZ TOP WAS GREAT........

We are thinking of hitting up the fair for a concert, the 30th is Megadeath. Last time I saw a concert at the fair it was also Megadeath. Big change from the Josh Grobin one we were just at last Wednesday. Anytime Def Lepperd, Megadeath, or JG are here we try to go.

I tried the FF once. seemed more involved then what I cared to do. The family didn't want to watch over it and feeding the flock often falls solely on them.
Lkd, what a pain! I hate the patdown at concerts. Same thing at wllie nelson, and yeah, at 37 i was one of the youngest there!

I do fermented feed. My chickens like it, but don't mob me like others claim. It takes them all day to finish a dish.
That is another thing I am wondering. My chicks are only 3 weeks, I started fermented feed last night (not completely fermented yet) and tonight was more fermented. I got a poof of air when I opened the jar, but it doesn't smell yeasty yet and there aren't bubbles on the surface. The blog I read talked about an anaerobic environment for your fermentation which meant not having airflow and a solid lid. I have read that you feed as much as they can eat in one sitting. Last night I left the dish in the brooder all night long and it was empty by this morning. Tonight I only left them it in there for about an hour and they ate about half of what I fed them. I am still leaving my dry feeder in there because that is what they are accustomed to.

Pipemum you leave it in there all day? Do you supplement feed too? I work all day and sometimes have meetings at night and most are saying you have to feed adult birds only at night with fermented. If so, how do you handle that if they are already in the coop roosting for the night? And is the reason they act so hungry is that they instinctively get to eat all day so having structured mealtimes makes them act crazy hungry? So far my two dominant chicks devour the ff, but the other 2 don't seem so interested. Should I have left the ff in there all night instead of taking it away when I thought they were finished with it?

How do you determine how much to feed at this age and how do you get them to convert completely to the fermented? Once they are old enough to be in the coop, do you still offer dry food just for snacking and will they eventually not eat very much of that? Thanks again for any help!

Great letter to the editor about the concert Flower!
First hard boiled EE egg experience was something to behold. Side by side with a store bought hard boiled egg, no comparison. The yolk was dark yellow, almost orange while the store bought was pale and lifeless. The flavor after the EE egg was almost non-existent.

Anyone who wants to claim that the time, effort, cost and love put into raising your own chickens isn't worth it...hasn't had the pleasure of tasting a day old, ultra-organic egg. :)

Kpgoldstar, yes, I leave it all day. I also work all day till 5, and 2x a week I'm not home till 7:30pm. I give them a dish of ff in the morning, and they have access to dry food all day. My new little meat chicks have been on ff chick crumbles from day one. The consistency is a bit too wet, so I mix in some dry feed. They have enough to eat all day. No access to dry food for them.

Iwouldn't feed ff at night, especially now that it's getting darker earlier. My chickens are in the coop sleeping by 6:30! It's actually still dark when I feed them in the am now, but since I have to get to work, there's not much i can do about my morning routine.
I just eyeball the amount of ff to give them. Probably 2 cups is what they are getting-feeds 6 almost grown adults. I hear them at their hanging feeder in the afternoons, and weekend mornings when i feed them a bit later. I bet feeding ff twice a day would eliminate the need for dry food, but I'm not home nor into high maintenance chickens! Oh, also we go out of town fairly often on the weekends and leave the chickens w out a caretaker and I want them to stay familiar with dry food and not starve while we're away.
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I'm re-reading my posts. I'm coming off as a know-it-all, which I do tend to sound like! I've only had chickens since April, so obviously still learning. Also, I've started and stopped fermented feed...3 times already. It hasn't always worked out. I've found fermenting feed simple and easy most of the time, just like chicken keeping should be simple and easy.

Leaf cutter ants are still out and about. I have not seen them for a while and foolishly put the broiler pen in a known ant pathway--their path straight into my garden, where they wreak destruction. Last night I planned to cover the pen and leave the broilers out all night but when I checked on them....ANTS. I hate the ants. Like, boiling hatred for them at this point. I don't think leaf cutters have any interest in swarming my chicks and biting them, but they were crawling where my chicks were sleeping, so I moved the chicks back into the garage for the night. I just don't know what to do about the leaf cutters. They only come out a night, and not every night...I don't know their schedule, they don't respond to DE...their mounds are on not on my property, so I'm kind of limited in how I deal with them. I'll spread DE around the outside of the broiler coop, and maybe the ants will at least avoid the DE. I don't know.

Still only one layer. Very impatiently waiting for the others. Oh, I gave away my first set of 6 eggs (to my parents)! Felt great!
One other I leave some feed in for the next batch?

I did start it with the brags apple cider.. Since we have it... Is it a

quicker time for it to be ready for them with the brags? 2-3 days?

Can't wait thanks.. I decided that I will hand feed them.. That way

the ones that are afraid, I am hoping they will become calm when

I need to pick them up..

I feed out most of a 5 gal bucket of layer mash every day.  There is about 4-6 cups of feed and a small amount of liquid in the bottom of the bucket when I'm done scooping out, just add more water and feed for the next day. Occasionally I make a gallon of buttermilk and add that as part of the liquid. (great quick fix for thin soft egg shells) {make buttermilk; pour a quart of buttermilk into a gallon glass jar and fill with whole milk. Cover lightly and leave in warm place 24-36 hours then refrigerate until used. Sometimes I top the jug up a couple of times with more milk before it starts to smell off from bacteria)

If the weather is pretty warm it may only take 1 r two days.

I feed in plastic troughs, plastic rain gutters, the plastic trays that are in the tops of tool boxes (that my mechanic friends never seem to use) Just don't use metal because the acid in the feed will eat through it.

I feed adult birds just in the morning. By mid morning most of the feed is gone but there is enough for them to snack on before dark. Very small chicks are fed 3 times a day, older chicks 2 times a day

Thank you Mary for this info..
I let the dogs have some & they loved it as well..
I do hope their yoke will be darker from feeding F.F.?
I will be attending very many more concerts unless Elvis, Bob Marley, and James Brown are appearing on stage live. I will be naked going in.

Yes, ZZ TOP WAS GREAT........

We are thinking of hitting up the fair for a concert, the 30th is Megadeath. Last time I saw a concert at the fair it was also Megadeath. Big change from the Josh Grobin one we were just at last Wednesday. Anytime Def Lepperd, Megadeath, or JG are here we try to go.

I tried the FF once. seemed more involved then what I cared to do. The family didn't want to watch over it and feeding the flock often falls solely on them.

May I sugest a skin tight body suit, no pockets, no purses, no under cloths, carry billfold and ID in clear plastic bags....... And giggle when they pat you down, then ask for a date.
As for myself I this kind will ware this one, I an way over weight, 67, and what was has taken a trip do to gravity. This way they know I am the weapon...... Spandex Zentai Full Body Suit.
You have to remove the head cover to eat or drink....
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