Arizona Chickens

Gallo, holy moly, he's totally beautiful. Sorry you have to give him up, or eat him.

Thanks, it's going to be so hard. He's such a good bird. Despite every attempt to avoid it, I've fallen for him.

Of course I just heard him crow for the umpteenth time today. That makes it a bit easier and imperative.
Is anyone interested in giving this Russian Orloff rooster a home? If so, please let me know before dawn tomorrow. He's free if you want to keep him alive for breeding purposes. Otherwise, I have to send him to freezer camp in the morning. He's really a delightful dude and I will terribly miss him. I thought I'd give him a chance though.
Wish I was closer. I would take him in a heart beat!
Thanks so much, pipemum. I know I can easily build one, but just being lazy. I've always been mechanically inclined and can deal with tools with no difficulty, as you can see in my previous ad nauseum postings about old audio equipment.

I'm kinda starting backwards, getting my run established first (height issues=HOA issues) then going from there. I'm in no big hurry, and gonna try to hang in there for another 3 years to get my 25-year mark which will boost my retirement another $500/month.

I wanna have some type of planter boxes around the whole perimeter, not brick, but some 2x6's treated with some type of weather seal varnish to prevent wood rot. The hardware cloth will extend half-way up the sides and completely under the boxes, with the upper half using something like aluminum screening for screen doors to keep out wild birds. The top will also be done with hardware cloth. Depending on the price, I could probably do the whole thing. Like that old hymn..."A Mighty Fortress Is our God, A Bulwark Never Failing." (Sorry, had a Gospel Moment there..LOL)

Having those boxes around the perimeter gives me plenty of options for planting/composting/climbing vines options, and it would be nice to have everything there in one area. I would be content with something about 5' tall, and since I'm about 5'8", and maybe 12x12 or 15x15, and I only plan on have 6 hens max, since some places require that you buy that 6-chick minimum. More than enough eggs for one person. I really want to get in it for the entertainment and companionsip.

Ace Hardware on South Houghton is selling Delawares and Araucanas (fake EE's?), and they only get a small batch of 25 sexed hens every week, and do reduce the price of the leftovers to move them out. I can't remember, but they may come from Privett Hatchery. I'm reading a huge Delaware thread right now, and the majority are touting that these gals are SUPER-FRIENDLY, and that's exactly what I want. I don't wanna go into a run where I have to watch my back and carry a shovel, rake, broom, pitch fork, 45mm, just to beat my way in there to feed a bunch of aggressive heffa raptors.

There's no big hurry for this, maybe at least another year down the road, but I think the planning stages are more fun than the actual building. Call me Cecil the Civil Servant (Muppet Show), a slave to paperwork...just gotta see it on paper first.

I'm horrible about saving money unless it comes to a SPECIFIC project or goal, then I get busy. I managed to spend $4,000 to furnish to bedrooms and had them paid off in less than 2 months...and got eight $50 gift certificates for Best Buy. That will pay for the new flat-screen to fit ontop of my new fireplace in the master bedroom.

I don't know why I'm sharing all my personal business with you, but you "Chicken Folk" seem like Family folk, and you all have stories to share. I appreciate you and all the knowledge that you have shared. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

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Quote: Pastrymama, Would you like my two guineas? I sell them cheap. They are now outside and doing very well. My hubby and I have bought a small motor home and in a couple off months or less will be going traveling for 6 month- 1 year. This came about a bit sooner then we expected. We are quite excided!
There has been most of the past several years, generally hosted by the Food Conspiracy Co-Op and/or the Community Food Bank. I haven't seen anything about one this year and they're usually held the first week of Dec.

That would be cool. I'll keep my ears peeled. Now to decide if I want a host of strangers visiting my house.

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