Arizona Chickens

Thanks to everyone! I really wanted them to be pullets, of course. I'll let them hang out until first crow, but if anyone wants them, let me know!

Hey Demosthine, how are those Buttercups??
Hey Demosthine, how are those Buttercups??:cd  

They have settled in just fine. They're quite a bit smaller than I expected. Are they considered bantam?

The hen has taken to roosting above the brooders. I have two vertical pallets blocking the top off. But she's small enough to squeeze in. I'm not sure if he joins her or if he's roosting in the coop. I've been too busy with the catastrophies I call my life.

Thank you again for them. They are gorgeous and add great variety to my flock. I haven't founded any eggs from her, so I need to check her roosting area. Otherwise, my turkey may be isolated while we are on leave to see if she's eating them. That'll make me really mad!
Demosthine, I'm so happy you like them! They are beautiful. If the rooster can fit where the hen is roosting, I'm positive he's with her. They'd often roost away from the main coop but always together. She's very clever at hiding her eggs, which were larger than I expected from such a small hen. So REALLY look around before blaming your turkey. She's actually a good layer. I'm not sure if they are considered bantam or not. Thank you for giving them a good home!
It worked! The crop bra worked! Eleanor has been wearing it for about 3 weeks now. I leave her in it all the time, and just make sure it's not rubbing her or making her uncomfortable. She has had a pendulous crop almost her entire life. She's about 10 months. She had her first sour crop issue at only ~4 months old. That's when I realized she had pendulous crop. No matter how persistent I was at keeping her cleared out she never got the elasticity back in her crop and around 6 months started having sour crop more regularly. She laid for almost a month starting at 6 months before the sour crop stopped letting her get the nutrients she needed and caused her to have stress due to quarantine and all the other nonsense I put her through trying to keep her healthy. Well this morning I was VERY happy to find this little beauty in the nest box.

As sad as I was initially that she wasn't a blue laying EE I was sooo ecstatic to see her beautiful cream egg in the box this morning.
Yay, Eleanor!!! Good nursing, Twinklin!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to post on here that I have some FREE HATCHING EGGS from the Aloha project!

NICE stock too. Here are photos of some of the parents:

I went up to my friend Stephen's, who has about 18 hens and five roosters. He hadn't collected eggs in almost two weeks, so I went around the coop and picked up all the eggs so we could gather fresh ones.

I picked out the cleanest, freshest looking eggs, and tossed the rest. Unfortunately, I can't set eggs this week, because I will be out of town for work when they would hatch. So if anyone would like eggs, please PM me.

I can't promise a good hatch rate because ages of the eggs will vary . . . but whatever hatches should grow into BEAUTIFUL chickens, and I would love a chance to see how the babies turn out!

Going to put an ad on Craigslist to sell my "fresh" hatching eggs, from my own (related) flock. But I don't feel right selling these ones since they could be anywhere from one day to two weeks old and I can't tell, LOL.

(Photos of three possible hens that may have laid these eggs!)
Oh my gosh, those are beautiful! I only lurk here since I'm in AZ in my heart but still in CA. If I were there, I'd ask for those eggs to hatch in a heartbeat!
Hey eveyrbody! I haven't checked in for a while.
I was cleaning the coop this morning and I realized the girls are just over a year old now. Amazing. They're out running the yard right now, pecking at the weeds and grass.
I can't believe how mild this winter has been. Where is the cold?? I look forward to some winter all year long. I'm getting ripped off this year.
Hey eveyrbody! I haven't checked in for a while.
I was cleaning the coop this morning and I realized the girls are just over a year old now. Amazing. They're out running the yard right now, pecking at the weeds and grass.
I can't believe how mild this winter has been. Where is the cold?? I look forward to some winter all year long. I'm getting ripped off this year.

Same here, and where is the rain?? It is dry as a bone here. I've been raking out pens, dust is flying everywhere. Got my lungs all irritated and with the dry air, woke up to a coughing fit last night
I hard boiled our girls eggs for the first time. I now see why people say fresh eggs are impossible to peel. I used our oldest eggs from the fridge which were about 2 weeks old. I've never had an issue hard boiling and peeling store bought eggs so they must be REALLY old at the store. In any case I remember people mentioning egg steamers so I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found the Cuisinart Egg Central. It only does like 10 eggs at a time but it worked perfectly. Perfectly cooked and super easy to peel. It wasn't like the steamers I had seen people post pics of. It looks like a metal egg. It supposedly also cooks eggs other ways which I have yet to try. I recommend it.
I hard boiled our girls eggs for the first time. I now see why people say fresh eggs are impossible to peel. I used our oldest eggs from the fridge which were about 2 weeks old. I've never had an issue hard boiling and peeling store bought eggs so they must be REALLY old at the store. In any case I remember people mentioning egg steamers so I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found the Cuisinart Egg Central. It only does like 10 eggs at a time but it worked perfectly. Perfectly cooked and super easy to peel. It wasn't like the steamers I had seen people post pics of. It looks like a metal egg. It supposedly also cooks eggs other ways which I have yet to try. I recommend it.

This is the one I have also and even though it only does 10 eggs at a time I usually only do the 7 BUT they are always great!!

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