Arizona Chickens

Silly Dolly!
Glad you found your chicken!

My chickens are laying regularly again, woohoo. My meaties are still all there and okay. I did find some coyote tracks in the planter bed above the meatie coop, but there were no signs of trauma in the coop or pen. Almost nightly I'm having minor nightmares about something gettting into the pen and slaughtering everything. I don't think I'll relax until all the meat chickens are "safe" and sitting in my fridge.

I have those 7 cochin packing peanuts....for the first 2 weeks, there wasn't a huge difference between the cochins and CX. Now, it's a big difference. I'll have to get a picture.
I found her, I found her!!!! I can't believe my silly chicken spent the night in an orange tree. I went out this morning to look around and started calling her, that's when I heard her and went towards the area. She was hanging onto the tiniest branch and I'm guessing she was unsure how to get down because she seemed very relieved when I picked her up.
I didn't sleep well last night worried about her. I'm so excited that nothing bad happened!!! Thank you all for giving me some hope last night that this would be a happy ending.
I'm putting them in before dark from now on, no more of this nonsense!

Awesome... :woot
I found her, I found her!!!! I can't believe my silly chicken spent the night in an orange tree. I went out this morning to look around and started calling her, that's when I heard her and went towards the area. She was hanging onto the tiniest branch and I'm guessing she was unsure how to get down because she seemed very relieved when I picked her up.
I didn't sleep well last night worried about her. I'm so excited that nothing bad happened!!! Thank you all for giving me some hope last night that this would be a happy ending.
I'm putting them in before dark from now on, no more of this nonsense!

I'm so glad! Thanks for letting us know!

We started putting our chickens in the run before dark too, and then making sure they get in the coop at dark because they love to roost in trees and would head for them at bedtime instead of the coop.
Yes, at Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company in Petaluma, California. Petaluma was once referred to as the Egg Capital of the World due to the poultry operations there. I have no idea if they have a website or e-commerce. I would imagine so. I drove through Petaluma just about a year ago on a trip to NorCal with my mom and what a lovely town! So many beautifully restored Victorian homes and perfectly manicured yards. If I had known about the seed place I may have spent my whole 4 days vacation camped out in there!
Oops, nope. I just asked her and it was this place.
She has a great facebook page and seems really sweet. She might ship or would be able to tell you the manufacturer or where you might find them elsewhere.
Dolly, my 20 week old barred rock pullet that spent the night in the orange tree last night just started doing the submissive squat today. Could that have anything to do with her overnight stay??? Or just a coincidence? How soon should I expect her to give me an egg now that she is doing the squat?
For those of you following...

Vote again!!!
The bill has been transferred to the House and the voting has started over!

Homegrown Freedom Act - Backyard Farmers United
Homegrown Freedom Act SB 1151

AZ Voices Update - The Bill has been transferred to the House Of Representatives and can now be voted on again by all of us supporters. This website is for the House members to see where the support is.

Please log back into your account and place your vote. Lets get way ahead of the opposition.

Thanks for taking the time.
Link - (SB1151)
Dolly, my 20 week old barred rock pullet that spent the night in the orange tree last night just started doing the submissive squat today. Could that have anything to do with her overnight stay??? Or just a coincidence? How soon should I expect her to give me an egg now that she is doing the squat?

How interesting! I don't have any experience with my pullets laying yet, but it sounds like something's going on!
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Lost a americauna last night. *sigh* She got out of her temp. pen last night and apparently a yote got her. That or some mysterious dog. My neighbor dogs were out of town and were not on patrol. (FIGURES) Good news is I am going to enlarge the flock with some peeps. Though, I would like another blue egger in the mix. Everybody loves those. My turkeys are getting hormonal! The TOM is all red in the head and the Hen is getting really aggressive with my daughter (3 yo). So, this might be the year. If not, we are having turkey dinner at my house. lol. So far for my first year, I lost a Barred rock as a young peeper. Then lost a Red sexlink due to egg binding. Now the darn americauna who was healing after having her flanks ripped up was taken by a predator. WOW. Lots to learn here. Still getting a good egg supply. Feed is good and I am going to do a worm regimen and sevin dust. Just to make sure. ACA and fermented feed are being fed. I will have to think about enlarging the enclosure this year.

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