Arizona Chickens

QUOTE : "Hello All! I live in Tempe and had a question for everyone around this area. I am planning on hatching some paint silkies for easter and my question is what type of watering system do you use in the summer? I tried a plastic container with little nipples but the algae was constantly growing. Currently I'm using just a plastic tub and still find myself washing it out at least 3 times a week. If someone could give me some advice or post a photo of your watering system, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you."

Have you tried splashing a little bit of apple cider vinegar into the water? It helps to fight bacteria, and wont harm the chickens. It also makes them drink a little more, so that they can process food better. I use a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on it, and I only have to clean it one a month or so. In summer, I like to take ice cubes and put them in their waterers as well.

If it is chicken cooling off in general that you are concerned about, try freezing fruit and veggies in a block of ice in the freezer (NO citrus). Cantaloupe, Pomegranate halves, Watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, veggie scraps. What I do is take a small bucket and fill it about 3 inches full of water, and put in whatever veggie scraps I have and stick the bucket/bowl in the freezer. Any time i need to add fruit/veggie scraps, i just add about 2-3 inches more water, and the scraps, and stick it back in the freezer.once it is full, you can give it to the chickens for a cooling chicken Popsicle. and it is entertaining to them.
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Oh so I got 2 baby chickens for my birthday, a Red Easter Egger, and a Speckled sussex. They are so cute! This is Doobie, the Speckled Sussex,

This is Gladys, the Easter Egger.

This is when I first brought them home. They hated the car ride XD

I might be getting a few more here pretty soon! Just gotta get my math grade up XD the ACE on 22nd street in Tucson has baby chickens right now, and I really wanna get some of their Naked Necks! Too bad they dont have silkies though, They have barred rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and every Wyandotte you could hope for XD.
[COLOR=333333]QUOTE : "Hello All!  I live in Tempe and had a question for everyone around this area.  I am planning on hatching some paint silkies for easter and my question is what type of watering system do you use in the summer?  I tried a plastic container with little nipples but the algae was constantly growing.  Currently I'm using just a plastic tub and still find myself washing it out at least 3 times a week.  If someone could give me some advice or post a photo of your watering system, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you."[/COLOR]

Have you tried splashing a little bit of apple cider vinegar into the water? It helps to fight bacteria, and wont harm the chickens. It also makes them drink a little more, so that they can process food better. I use a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on it, and I only have to clean it one a month or so. In summer, I like to take ice cubes and put them in their waterers as well. 

If it is chicken cooling off in general that you are concerned about, try freezing fruit and veggies in a block of ice in the freezer (NO citrus). Cantaloupe, Pomegranate halves, Watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, veggie scraps. What I do is take a small bucket and fill it about 3 inches full of water, and put in whatever veggie scraps I have and stick the bucket/bowl in the freezer. Any time i need to add fruit/veggie scraps, i just add about 2-3 inches more water, and the scraps, and stick it back in the freezer.once it is full, you can give it to the chickens for a cooling chicken Popsicle. and it is entertaining to them. 

That's an excellent idea. Thank you. I always have scraps for the chickens and I'm sure they will enjoy it in ice.
Oh so I got 2 baby chickens for my birthday, a Red Easter Egger, and a Speckled sussex. They are so cute! This is Doobie, the Speckled Sussex,

This is Gladys, the Easter Egger.

This is when I first brought them home. They hated the car ride XD

I might be getting a few more here pretty soon! Just gotta get my math grade up XD the ACE on 22nd street in Tucson has baby chickens right now, and I really wanna get some of their Naked Necks! Too bad they dont have silkies though, They have barred rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and every Wyandotte you could hope for XD.

Yay! A NN lover! I've been raising and breeding NNs for over a year now and they've become one of my absolute favorite breeds. It always tickles me to "meet" someone who can appreciate the breed. And now I'm going to take this opportunity to share some photos of some of my favorite NNs from my most recent hatch.

This is Zazzle, a 20-week old cockerel in this photo that I'm keeping for breeding purposes in my meat bird flock.

This is Pepper, another 20-week old NN/Australorp mixed cockerel that I'm keeping for my egg laying breeding program.

And this is little Princess, a rather petite pure NN girl that will probably lay olive green eggs given her parentage.

And this is some of my first generation parent stock:

This is Zen, one of my sweetest and most serene chickens.

Shiloh, my primary meat breeding bird. (He weighed in at 11 lbs yesterday!)

Heisenberg, my favorite rooster. (He's a lap rooster!)

And Heisenberg + Zen's son, Ozzy:
Hello All!  I live in Tempe and had a question for everyone around this area.  I am planning on hatching some paint silkies for easter and my question is what type of watering system do you use in the summer?  I tried a plastic container with little nipples but the algae was constantly growing.  Currently I'm using just a plastic tub and still find myself washing it out at least 3 times a week.  If someone could give me some advice or post a photo of your watering system, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.



Pop on over for a cup of tea in the garden. We have the BYC seed box if you would like to go threw it?? Private message us..
We use 2-3 different ways of watering. We have the Cup.. where they have to push down on the yellow tab to make the water come out, then we have the gallon that you just fill up, then we also have the 3 gallon with nipples, probably like you have.. Wait one more. . we use clay saucers, fill them with water twice a day. Spoiled rotten brats. Here is Cheryl with her little babies. :love
Oh so I got 2 baby chickens for my birthday, a Red Easter Egger, and a Speckled sussex. They are so cute! This is Doobie, the Speckled Sussex, This is Gladys, the Easter Egger. This is when I first brought them home. They hated the car ride XD I might be getting a few more here pretty soon! Just gotta get my math grade up XD the ACE on 22nd street in Tucson has baby chickens right now, and I really wanna get some of their Naked Necks! Too bad they dont have silkies though, They have barred rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and every Wyandotte you could hope for XD.
Yay! A NN lover! I've been raising and breeding NNs for over a year now and they've become one of my absolute favorite breeds. It always tickles me to "meet" someone who can appreciate the breed. And now I'm going to take this opportunity to share some photos of some of my favorite NNs from my most recent hatch. :D This is Zazzle, a 20-week old cockerel in this photo that I'm keeping for breeding purposes in my meat bird flock. This is Pepper, another 20-week old NN/Australorp mixed cockerel that I'm keeping for my egg laying breeding program. And this is little Princess, a rather petite pure NN girl that will probably lay olive green eggs given her parentage. And this is some of my first generation parent stock: This is Zen, one of my sweetest and most serene chickens. Shiloh, my primary meat breeding bird. (He weighed in at 11 lbs yesterday!) Heisenberg, my favorite rooster. (He's a lap rooster!) And Heisenberg + Zen's son, Ozzy:
Lol, a lap rooster so cute! I used to have a lap rooster, but we couldn't keep him, my mom hated that he constantly crowed. we had to give him away. He went to a good home though.
Good looking dude!! Why can't cockerels lay egg's & relax their beak!!:lau

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