Arizona Chickens

Welcome! You're going to love the journey. What kind of chicks did you get?

I got Wyandotte (2) New Hampshire red (1) Australop (1) and 2 black sex link
I'm super excited
I got Wyandotte (2) New Hampshire red (1) Australop (1) and 2 black sex link
I'm super excited

That's awesome! I love mixed flocks. The only one you listed that I have any experience with is the Australorp. My Aussies are fantastic layers with friendly, quirky personalities. I think you'll be very pleased. I hope you have great luck with all of your birds!.
That's awesome! I love mixed flocks. The only one you listed that I have any experience with is the Australorp. My Aussies are fantastic layers with friendly, quirky personalities. I think you'll be very pleased. I hope you
have great luck with all of your birds!. :cd

Thank you, this is all new to me but so far it's been a lot of fun the babies are adorable and my kids and I just love them we put the coop/ run together even though I know it will be awhile before they go outside. We are looking forward to this journey and I love how much my kiddos love animals in general and they even help me with cleaning their bedding out and getting their food and water such a great experience!
How long have you had chickens
As long as they are safe from predators you can let them run around outside. We used to use a long piece of hardware cloth in a large circle. . I would put a sheet on top ehen i went inside. I just love watching them scratch and dig for bugs. Plus they love the sunlight and sunbathing. The first time I cough and sunbathing, I thought something was wrong. Chicken/duck television is the best! :weee
As long as they are safe from predators you can let them run around outside. We used to use a long piece of hardware cloth in a large circle. . I would put a sheet on top ehen i went inside. I just love watching them scratch and dig for bugs. Plus they love the sunlight and sunbathing. The first time I cough and sunbathing, I thought something was wrong. Chicken/duck television is the best! :weee

That's good to know, I don't think we really have predators where I'm at however I have seen a cat or 2 and I don't want the cat to get them, I'll probably just keep them inside for now so I know they are safe. Plus I don't really want to put the heat lamp out there. I bet it is cute to watch them outdoors
I'm just being an over protective mamma bear I
These babies. I have their coop/run all set up for them. I know they will eventually go outside but I have to admit I feel kind of weird putting them out since I've always had my animals indoors but yes they will definatly be going out eventually lol

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