Arizona Chickens

Can you suggest a good recipe for egg salad? Love 'em, but it's been years.

Eggs, mayo and bacon or ham
Eggs, mayo, mustard
Eggs mayo, mustard and pickle relish

Add celery, try em with a little horseradish, chopped radishes, get creative with what you like to eat.

You can make mini quiche in muffin pans and freeze them too. No crust needed, a couple are perfect for breakfast and you'll use up eggs pretty quick. I use leftovers this way, meat and vegetables.
Eggs, mayo and bacon or ham
Eggs, mayo, mustard
Eggs mayo, mustard and pickle relish

Add celery, try em with a little horseradish, chopped radishes, get creative with what you like to eat.

You can make mini quiche in muffin pans and freeze them too. No crust needed, a couple are perfect for breakfast and you'll use up eggs pretty quick. I use leftovers this way, meat and vegetables.
Thank You!!! That just goes to prove that AZ BYC is your one-stop shopping place for all your needs.
Thank You!!! That just goes to prove that AZ BYC is your one-stop shopping place for all your needs.
That's for sure!! I make mine mostly that way, except I usually use sour cream instead of mayo, and not a fan of horse radish. And everything is better with bacon bits!

"There's nothing that can't be made better with either bacon or chocolate." ;-)
has anyone had any luck in hatching with the new little giant incubators Styrofoam incubator with automatic temp or quail rails for the egg turner or cabinet incubator for sale i want to start hatching my aunt let me borrow the styrofoam incubator but the egg turner is for chicken eggs and cant find a feed store that has the quail rails for the little giant incubator turner maybe i can find on ebay
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Well - here its boring! Mine get their layer crumbles all day long along with a bit of greens,(they are not fans of kale!) a small bit of scratch and BOSS in the AM and less scratch and BOSS plus mealy worms (we call this ice cream) at night. They also have oyster shell and whenever we have eggs, eggshells. I am a fan of less is more so the "treat" stuff is not much for all my girls. I will soon be changing to all flock or starter or starter/grower soon as I will have a number of ages of girls roaming around the yard. I'm looking forward to trying garlic and a few other goodies I learned about from @DesertChic - love it when I get information and the science is added in to back everything up. Thanks for that DesertChic! Planted a giant area of oregano today too.
I think that a nutritional, "non-junk" treat would be considered as a supplement to their diet if they can't free range. I can only imagine the deep colored yolks and the taste of those eggs with hard shells and boosted Omega-3. All the sprouting, fodder and fermented feed can do nothing but benefit their diet and health. That's the healthy good "treat" and want to go that route once things are set up.

It's interesting to note that not all scratch is created equal. For now, I think what I have now is a Nutrena multi-grain, like bird feed, on occasion, but is in no way a replacement for their main feed. It's just an occasional distraction to keep them from crawling all over my hands while trying to replenish the water/feed.
I was concerned because I found an egg two weeks ago. A few days later, there were two. After that, I saw an Austra-White stand up against the wall, pulsating, and plopped out an egg. I can't remember which color, but someone is laying a light beige and someone else is laying a light tan. It looks like 3 layers at the moment. Then again, it almost looks like three shades of egg color. I suspect 2 Austra-Whites and a RIR meanie....
Congratulations on your first eggs....
Any iffy neighbors... get them on board with fresh eggs...
ask neighbors and friends to save egg boxes for you... also plastic fruit boxes work well for 4-6egg samplers...
Are your chickens still in the garage, or have they made it out to the yard yet?

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