Arizona Chickens

@MagicChicken how's Mr. Mighty? Lol

Mr. Mighty is doing well. Thanks for asking!

Unfortunately I have to find new homes for all of my chickens, so if anyone is interested please let me know. They are all large fowl. I mixed two lines of black javas and these resulting birds do not look purebred. They look like they have australorp and other black breeds mixed in. I'm near Tucson. Message me if you are interested.
Mr. Mighty is doing well. Thanks for asking!

Unfortunately I have to find new homes for all of my chickens, so if anyone is interested please let me know. They are all large fowl. I mixed two lines of black javas and these resulting birds do not look purebred. They look like they have australorp and other black breeds mixed in. I'm near Tucson. Message me if you are interested.

I know that you had been working hard on those. What are you planning to go with in the future?
Tonight I wrapped chinas foot, clucky and callie with PRID gauze and equine wrap

I found it all at Wal-Mart the equine wrap was inexpensive @SonoranChick they had everything there at first aid in pharmacy area except the wrap was with the feed
I have gauze and equine wrap, but will be picking up the PRID at Walgreens today. It seems like a pretty handy cream to have, both for pets and people. In the meantime I am using Vetricyn and rubbing corona ointment (linoleum cream) into their feet when they roost, so it soaks in all night. Some of their feet already look a little better. I cleaned and checked every single foot again last night, and wrote down who has it on which foot. Some have it worse than others, some only on one foot, and oddly enough the BO doesn't seem to have it at all! The pics I shared were of the worst. Because we are in the earliest stages of bumblefoot, I ordered the Tricide Neo yesterday. It should be here next week, and then I will begin soaking them in the solution 5-10 mins a day. Many BYC users say it cures early stage bumblefoot in under a week. I am hopeful it will take care of the infection. If this doesn't work, I will be medicating and wrapping lots of chicken feet!
I hope your chickens get over this soon. Keep us posted on their progress, and I will do the same :cool:
Edit to add: I found a website called that sells an all natural tincture for bumblefoot...not sure if this would work on a real staph infection, but I found it interesting!
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Ok I've wrapped 5 buffs feet with PRID gauze and vet wrap
I rewrapped chinas since she was the worse and I already see a difference thanks everyone for the contributes and @FeatherPugs For the PRID idea I notice a difference in how those that are wrapped are walking more comfortably

China decided she would climb the fence to try to get into the other chickens run but she can't bc it's enclosed so she goes back down, gets stuck in the chicken wire with her toes and hangs upside down
On the fence thankfully were right there and saved her right away but if she decides to do that again when I'm not around...:idunno
I know that you had been working hard on those. What are you planning to go with in the future?

I've been having trouble keeping up with chicken care. Plus I will be traveling a lot over the next couple of years and the neighbor who takes care of my place while I'm gone is having health issues. He can't handle the chickens any more. So I have to find new homes for them fairly quickly and I won't be getting any more for at least a couple of years. Makes me sad. But it is time.

If anyone is interested in taking any birds, let me know.

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