Arizona Chickens

Just got home from work.... 4/6 chicks hatched overnight... waiting on the last two

Can the chicks in there get heat stressed?
How long is it safe to leave them in the incubator?

If the hatched chicks are already dry and fluffy, you can move them into your heated brooder. Just do it quickly so that not too much humidity escapes from your incubator.
If the room I'm keeping them in, is at least 80-85degrees, do I still need to set up a heat lamp?

Start the brooder temperature at approximately 95°F (35°C) and reduce it approximately 5°F (3°C) each week until the brooder temperature is the same as ambient temperature. Within the chicks' comfort zone, the more quickly you reduce the heat level, the more quickly the chicks will feather out.
Start the brooder temperature at approximately 95°F (35°C) and reduce it approximately 5°F (3°C) each week until the brooder temperature is the same as ambient temperature. Within the chicks' comfort zone, the more quickly you reduce the heat level, the more quickly the chicks will feather out.
Ambient tempeerature in this part of my house is about 85degrees, and a sweltering 105 outdoors in the shade... but they're not going out for at least 6 weeks.
I'm soooo excited
If the room I'm keeping them in, is at least 80-85degrees, do I still need to set up a heat lamp?

Use a very low wattage heat lamp, not the horrid 250 watt things they try to sell you at most feed stores. You can get low wattage heat lamps in the reptile section of large pet stores. PetSmart carries them. Make sure the chicks have plenty of room to get away from the heat.

An Ecoglow brooder or something similar might be better than a heat lamp. Ecoglow units also act like an electric hen - a warm place of safety where the chicks can hide.

I go by the chicks' behavior rather than temperature guidelines. If the chicks are clumping together they are cold. If they are spread out and bouncing around they are a good temperature. If they are trying to get as far from the heat lamp as possible, it is way too hot.
Happy 4th of July (Independence Day), everyone!

I hope that you all will be enjoying the day and the fireworks. I made some appetizers for our party here, where you take some ham and spread some cream cheese on it, then roll it up with a green onion inside. Hubby loves those, and everyone else always brings either a potato or macaroni salad, or some deviled eggs. I wanted to be sure that I would have something that no one else would think of doing. I'll see how they go over!

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