Arizona Chickens

Do you know reason he died, or some idea,,, :idunno
I saw him mounting the hens the day before... then found him dead inside the coop. The pen I was keeping them in has an old dog house for them to sleep and lay eggs in, and it's pretty enclosed, so I only look inside when I'm collecting eggs. Looked like he just fell off his perch and died.
I saw him mounting the hens the day before... then found him dead inside the coop. The pen I was keeping them in has an old dog house for them to sleep and lay eggs in, and it's pretty enclosed, so I only look inside when I'm collecting eggs. Looked like he just fell off his perch and died.

It happens. I literally watched one of my former roosters running across the yard and then suddenly stop, lay down and die. His heart just quit. He was HUGE, strong, muscular, sweet....and he just dropped dead. Sometimes the genetics just aren't there. By comparison I have other birds I've thought were "genetically challenged" and they're now over four years old.
Morning peeps, brewed 2 batches of beer with friends & family last night. The flock is enjoying the spent grains as a treat this morning..
It’s that time of year again & we’re getting ready to have our plant/ seed swaps once again. (BYC seed box)Come enjoy visiting with other local gardeners. Bring your trades or just a snack & your company. We’ve had a great time getting together and we would love to see old friends as well as new faces. There will be hidden rock’s for the kid’s to find & cornhole. Along with a demonstration of hydroponics..This is also our block party for our neighborhood so you will see the signs on the corner..

And don’t forget the free raffles! Hope to see you there.

Saturday, March 16 th 9-11 A.M.

Water retention basin

6417 East McLellan
64th Street & McLellan
Mesa, Arizona 85205
View attachment 1690536 View attachment 1690534 View attachment 1690534 It’s that time of year again & we’re getting ready to have our plant/ seed swaps once again. (BYC seed box)Come enjoy visiting with other local gardeners. Bring your trades or just a snack & your company. We’ve had a great time getting together and we would love to see old friends as well as new faces. There will be hidden rock’s for the kid’s to find & cornhole. Along with a demonstration of hydroponics..This is also our block party for our neighborhood so you will see the signs on the corner..

And don’t forget the free raffles! Hope to see you there.

Saturday, March 16 th 9-11 A.M.

Water retention basin

6417 East McLellan
64th Street & McLellan
Mesa, Arizona 85205
I have no idea why 2 of the same posted, I tried to remove one, eh

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