Arizona Chickens

Good grief! Sounds like you are using up a years worth of troubles in one morning. it can only get BETTER now
. ( And thank your hero for NOT letting you drive the doughnut to Tucson).
Good grief! Sounds like you are using up a years worth of troubles in one morning. it can only get BETTER now
. ( And thank your hero for NOT letting you drive the doughnut to Tucson).

I know, I's a bad idea. I just hate having to reschedule things. And I feel bad for not being to meet up with another BYC'er when I said I would
Good grief! Sounds like you are using up a years worth of troubles in one morning. it can only get BETTER now
. ( And thank your hero for NOT letting you drive the doughnut to Tucson).

I know, I's a bad idea. I just hate having to reschedule things. And I feel bad for not being to meet up with another BYC'er when I said I would

well look on the good side it didn't start to rain and flood the river
I know, I's a bad idea. I just hate having to reschedule things. And I feel bad for not being to meet up with another BYC'er when I said I would

well look on the good side it didn't start to rain and flood the river

Well at the time it was too foggy to see the bright side
But yes, I'm glad it didn't flood my car with gross stagnant river kids would've freaked out!
Well I finally found the AZ forum site.

I was looking this last week-end and read about a natural 3 day de-wormer. It was quite a recipe, however, I can't find it again. It included pumpkin seeds ground up, buttermilk, cayenne peppers, yogurt, whole bran, etc. I am going to worm my chickens naturally until I can get the Valbazen form the store. If any one knows of this recipe, could you please point me in the right direction?

Thank you for your help.
OK, then.
I'm going to try an experiment and see how it goes. I'm going to do the peppers for about a week and see what happens. (more than 3 days because this isn't just maintenance.)
I have 4 hens and 6 chicks (9 weeks). I'll give each set 1 TBSP each (probably in yogurt
I don't have my Valbazen yet anyway. If I see any segments in eggs...experiment is over and they get the Valbazen.
I'll let you all know how it goes.

So, where do you find cayenne seeds? I mean, I know the dry peppers from the Mexican section of the grocery has a lot of seeds in it. Are you just going to use those?
I give a lot of melon, squash and pumpkin seeds. They probably get melon seeds once a day all summer, once or twice a week in the winter. Squash seeds not as often but still probably twice a month. I've heard they're pretty helpful, too. My peppers didn't produce much but are starting to take off. I'll start throwing the seeds into the chicken bucket so they'll get the seeds. Don't know if it will be enough but if I do a batch of habanero gold they'll get a good dose all at once.

So far I'm using those red pepper flakes and jalapeno pepper seeds.

Will, do you really use just seeds? or the red pepper flakes with seeds?
yes it was my brothers dog the one that had ate a couple of my chickens
that pass away yesterday he died of a heart attack he was 10 years old
if my brother would have walk him more he could lasted more years
my cousins own the dad of the dog we had their dog is 12 years old
it has arthritis my chihuahua dog kept looking for the pitbull all day
i know she will miss him also, i raise the pit bull at 6 weeks old
and i remember having to wake up to feed it in the night
i even teach it to walk with a leash when it was a puppy
my dad said atleast we wont loose anymore chickens
but i still will miss him

I'm sorry too. It's always sad to lose a pet.

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