Arizona Chickens

Hi everyone. I just joined. We're planning on getting chickens in the next few months. We're planning a mixed flock for egg laying and just fun family pets. Will they get along ok if they're different sizes? I'm planning to order from chickens for backyards so they'll all grow up together. Maybe a buff orpington, 2 wyondottes, a white rock, and a sussex. I'll keep learning from all the posts. Glad I found this site.

I have a brood of 5 with 4 different breeds, a brood of 3 with two breeds, and two adults both different breeds. Same age get along well together. Now one of the adults doesn't get along with any of the other chickens except the other adult. One adult gets along well with the two younger broods. The older brood does not get along at all with the younger brood. The younger brood is very flighty as they don't want to be anywhere near pecking distance to the old birds. Getting all babies at the same time (same age under 3 weeks old) you should have no problems mixing them. Hope this helps. I am no expert as I am fresh to the chicken raising, but this is my experience.


Psst...2 baby ducks hatched.
woot.gif pics as soon as you can.
Oh my goodness. I just witnessed my Shephard mix run into the run after a dove did, dive into the coop after the dove, scared the bejezzes out of my hen that was in a nesting box (who came flying outta the coop), then come out with a dove in her mouth. Walked out of the coop/run and let it free. She never does that with the chickens, acts like she is one of the chickens, always interested in what they are eating. That dove is lucky I have a gentle, mothering dog. Now she is pacing in the run watching for more.

Pictures of her in the coop and run, no bird in mouth. These are taken from my office window, so there is a screen creating the fuzzy picture.

BTW...I would not be surprised at all if she would sit on a clutch of eggs or chicks for one of the broodies in the future.

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One smart dog! One pretty cool coop too!
Nobody liked my joke?

"Why wouldn't the hens go out free ranging with the rooster?"
"Because they were chicken! "


I'm a little slow.

Thanks on the coop compliments. My husband did a great job. I need to pull those unpainted boards out now that all the birds know how to use the ramp and maybe they know not to sleep under the coop. Oh yes, and after my husband puts up 'base boards' so that I have something to staple the chicken wire too.
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I spent some time hanging shade screens on the coop and run today. I am trying to be smart this year. Instead of waiting until it is suddenly 105, I am just shade-ifying the chick runs now.
Hey gang...... long time, no post! I need a little info from those of you with more experience.

I noticed this morning that one of our chicks (4 wks old) seems to be developing a "crossed beak". It is not bad now but she did not have it when we got her. It seems to have become visible in the last few days. (She is eating and drinking fine so far as it is very slight)

Should I be concerned? Is this something that gets worse or does it resolve itself? Any advise/info would be appreciated!
it usually doesnt correct its self, but they can usually live with it. sometimes it can be caused by a vitamin deficiency. maybe get some infant polysol without iron and give it some. I definately would not breed her incase it is hereditary.

Hey gang...... long time, no post! I need a little info from those of you with more experience.

I noticed this morning that one of our chicks (4 wks old) seems to be developing a "crossed beak". It is not bad now but she did not have it when we got her. It seems to have become visible in the last few days. (She is eating and drinking fine so far as it is very slight)

Should I be concerned? Is this something that gets worse or does it resolve itself? Any advise/info would be appreciated!
Hey gang...... long time, no post! I need a little info from those of you with more experience.

I noticed this morning that one of our chicks (4 wks old) seems to be developing a "crossed beak". It is not bad now but she did not have it when we got her. It seems to have become visible in the last few days. (She is eating and drinking fine so far as it is very slight)

Should I be concerned? Is this something that gets worse or does it resolve itself? Any advise/info would be appreciated!

it usually doesnt correct its self, but they can usually live with it. sometimes it can be caused by a vitamin deficiency. maybe get some infant polysol without iron and give it some. I definately would not breed her incase it is hereditary.

Breeding won't be a problem because we can't have roosters here...... we just have a small flock for our own egg consumption needs. I will try the vitamins but would like to know if I can give it to all three of our chicks in the water or should I only give it to the one with the issue?

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