Arizona Chickens

GREAT NEWS! The new dog passed with flying colors! I figured she might. She was at a foster parents house (they were trying to find a new home for her so she wouldn't have to be euthanized) with five other dogs, 1 rabbit, and 2 chickens. The chickens got out and 2 of the 5 dogs ran after the chickens! Naughty dogs. But did the dog that I want to adopt? Nope. She stayed put and didn't give chase. That was when I decided I would like to adopt her.

I brought her home, introduced her to the cats and chickens. She couldn't have cared less about their existence. Actually, I have a bit of a scardy dog on my hands. I had her on a leash (today was the first day ever that she has had on a collar or leash) and led her through my flock of chickens. She did great! I am happy to announce, we have officially adopted her!

This is a pic of her tonight. Her very first bath! She didn't even fight me or try to hop out of the bath. She didn't even try and bite at her collar or leash (never had a leash or collar before today). She took to walking on a leash like a fish swims in water! She is a fantastic doggy! She is a mutt, no idea what is all in her. She is beautiful and she is amazing.

Oh, I am on the hunt for a name for her. A proper name that fits her disposition and personality. She is very laid back and relaxed. She very rarely barks (I have yet to hear her do so with me). She is truly obedient. She is quick to pick up commands. She is great at taking instruction. She is not timid, but very cautious. The foster parents called her socks. But I want something much more...hmm....a name worth much more then..well...socks.
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GREAT NEWS! The new dog passed with flying colors! I figured she might. She was at a foster parents house (they were trying to find a new home for her so she wouldn't have to be euthanized) with five other dogs, 1 rabbit, and 2 chickens. The chickens got out and 2 of the 5 dogs ran after the chickens! Naughty dogs. But did the dog that I want to adopt? Nope. She stayed put and didn't give chase. That was when I decided I would like to adopt her.

I brought her home, introduced her to the cats and chickens. She couldn't have cared less about their existence. Actually, I have a bit of a scardy dog on my hands. I had her on a leash (today was the first day ever that she has had on a collar or leash) and led her through my flock of chickens. She did great! I am happy to announce, we have officially adopted her!

This is a pic of her tonight. Her very first bath! She didn't even fight me or try to hop out of the bath. She didn't even try and bite at her collar or leash (never had a leash or collar before today). She took to walking on a leash like a fish swims in water! She is a fantastic doggy! She is a mutt, no idea what is all in her. She is beautiful and she is amazing.

Oh, I am on the hunt for a name for her. A proper name that fits her disposition and personality. She is very laid back and relaxed. She very rarely barks (I have yet to hear her do so with me). She is truly obedient. She is quick to pick up commands. She is great at taking instruction. She is not timid, but very cautious. The foster parents called her socks. But I want something much more...hmm....a name worth much more then..well...socks.

Very cool! Congratulations!




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