Arizona Chickens

Welcome mother of 7. In June, July and August, I wish I lived in Pinetop.

I used to have Anna's and Dorset's and we got LOADS of apples... and then termite like bugs killed my big beautiful trees. I mourned. Same with my peach tree. All I have left is a lone grapefruit.

Wish I could have been here on my dark street when the exchange of goods occurred.... LOL

Good news is, my office bathroom remodel is done.
Well this is depressing. Just had to throw out my 3rd stinker. Shipped, same breed from the same source.No incubator problems. No other problems with other eggs. Just these.

I'm still kicking myself. For all the money I spent on the eggs in my incubator I could of gotten healthy chicks sent to me. Hopefully I've learned my lesson. Until the next time at least

I grew up outside of Payson. My parents still live up there, I go up there a lot. I have been trying to talk them into getting chickens again, but no luck so far.
Maybe if all six of my chicks hatch, they'll have to give in!

I am sooooo excited for the hatch this week. I candled 3 eggs last week and I saw veins in one, the others still looked like a large dark area. I have placed all 6 eggs under my Wyandotte broody. When I put the non-broody Wyandotte in with the rest of the flock my two broody Ameraucanas seemed to loose interest in their eggs for a while. So I gave them to Lacey (broody Wyandotte). Now, of course, the two silly Ameraucanas are back together on the nest sitting on nothing.
If they don't start laying soon, I'll just HAVE to get some new chicks to give 'em.
And with the Easter hatches coming up, I have a pretty good idea of where to get some tiny chickies...*coughMAHONRIcough*
Hi Boston, I am also in Pinetop, and friends with motherof7. Glad to see more chicken crazed people up this way.

Ahh nice... Yea.. This cold weather was a first for me.. I was born and raised in Phx.
I think I lost a total of 7 chickens this winter, due to the cold. Most of them were 3month olds, but a few were older, just smaller.
But thats ok.. I have around 100 total right now.. with more on the way.

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