Arizona Chickens

Notinoz: I'm so happy to hear that at least some of the EE x Barnvelder eggs are developing! I can't wait for the official report :D

Emma (my Cali white) is doing a great job taking care of the babies. She had them out of the run for awhile today, and when one of the cats started acting a little too interested, she was on him in an instant. Four pounds of unbridled, squawking dino-fury. The cat, who wasn't that hungry, had the sense to back down. Later on, she was back in the run with the babies, and when I gave them some treats, she kept the rest of the flock backed off until she was sure the babies had eaten. As they get older she is letting them explore more, but she always knows where they are and what is going on with them. Two of them are getting tail feathers already, and are generally feathering in like the pullets I've had before, the other is a little slower. I'm guessing I have two girls and a boy, but time will tell.
oops forgot to introduce myself on this thread! I'm Mary and live in Globe-Miami area, about 90 miles east of Phoenix proper. I have Buff Orpingtons, (4 pullets getting ready to start laying and an older rooster), 3 barred rock banties, older girls that are molting real bad right now. 3 hens and a rooster that are Welsummers, about 4 years old that were given to me. 4 poults that are the offspring of the Welsummer hens and an Americana (or perhaps EE) rooster. Though their feathering certainly looks like what you would expect from an Americana/Welsummer cross. No indication of sexes on them yet.

I also have 16 muscovy ducks, about 3-4 months old, several of those drakes are destined for dinner. 3 mixed breed ducks, part runner, crested and Welsh Harlequin. And a beautiful WH drake. I'll be picking up one or two girls to go with him.

I'm not sure the Welsummer rooster is doing the rooster thing; at least I haven't seen him after any of the hens. they are also molting but at least one of the hens is still laying and I have 7 eggs in the incubator now. But if it turns out they aren't fertile I'll be looking to pick up some more Wellies. I also would love some Black Copper Marans; they are so pretty and so are their eggs.

I'm intending to pick up an incubator before spring (using a borrowed one for right now) to hatch off more chicken eggs. There is at least a small local market for chicks around here, especially later in the summer when the feed store doesn't have any.

Welcome to the Arizona Forum.
I just moved to Yuma, Arizona from Utah. I had chickens growing up and would like some again, but it might take us awhile to build our little coop/run I've got designed, between the heat and my pregnancy. If we finish in the next couple months we might get a few then. I'm thinking just Plymoth rocks and RIRs from the feed store. I'd really like some Delawares if I can find a way to get only three or four without paying a ton--maybe joining somebody on an order or seeing if anyone in Arizona or southern California raises them. Any ideas? Thanks.
Well I recently picked up a few birds to get my chicken experience going. I bought 2 ameraucanas and 2 barred rocks which were about 3 weeks old. I plan to get 2 more RIRs but they will be about a month you get than my others. Will I have any issues introducing 2 younger birds to my existing 4? How long should I keep the little ones in a box before moving them to the coop with the others? Thanks for the info, I will post some pictures this eve when I have access to my computer. What a fun experience it has been for my family, especially my boys!
The day has arrived. Chickens at the post office. DW is on the way to grab em!
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Well I recently picked up a few birds to get my chicken experience going. I bought 2 ameraucanas and 2 barred rocks which were about 3 weeks old. I plan to get 2 more RIRs but they will be about a month you get than my others. Will I have any issues introducing 2 younger birds to my existing 4? How long should I keep the little ones in a box before moving them to the coop with the others? Thanks for the info, I will post some pictures this eve when I have access to my computer. What a fun experience it has been for my family, especially my boys!

Yes, there will likely be issues.
There are various things you can do to limit them. Search info using forms of "integration" as a term. You will likely have to quarantine the new birds for 30 days--or not, depending on how old the new chicks are and how confident you are about their source. After that I would let them see each other for some period of time before letting them directly interact. I've only integrated birds that were hatched here on the property into the older flock so I don't have much experience beyond that. So, my experience has been that it was relatively easy, but I've read many posts here on BYC were things were not so easy. Expect lots of pecking at first and be ready to step in if things get bloody. Hopefully others with more experience will offer their perspective. Congratulations on getting your birds!
Well I recently picked up a few birds to get my chicken experience going. I bought 2 ameraucanas and 2 barred rocks which were about 3 weeks old. I plan to get 2 more RIRs but they will be about a month you get than my others. Will I have any issues introducing 2 younger birds to my existing 4? How long should I keep the little ones in a box before moving them to the coop with the others? Thanks for the info, I will post some pictures this eve when I have access to my computer. What a fun experience it has been for my family, especially my boys!

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