Arizona - free range - back yard - roaches


Creative Problem Solver
11 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hello Everyone,

Thank you BYC community for a positive, family friendly, fun and effectively helpful forum. I have both learned and lot and had my heart touched as I have followed your adventures over recent months. Here's a bit about me:

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens.
Nov 2008

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6

(3) What breeds do you have? Black Australorps

(4) How did you find out about
Google search for info on raising chickens in Arizona. I was thrilled to find the following thread:

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
family, faith, garden, fruit trees, solar cooking (just starting out), my cat and my job (to support my other hobbies).

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
Having a long standing interested in preparedness and self sufficiency chickens seemed like a good fit. This occured to me only after moving to Mesa, land of sewer roaches. Ok, for those of you in non-roach country...guess where I was most shocked to find the giant and gross bugs... they like to be...dark, warm moist...nope, it wasn't the bathroom or kitchen that stunned me...if you don't have roaches in your part of the country, I bet you didn't guess - the dishwasher, the sealed closed dishwasher. Yep a couple of those suckers found their way up from the sewer, through the pipes and into my dishwasher. Ug! (Problem now solved, but I was completely stunned and disgusted) Ok, back to the story. My cousin had chickens, the economy was shaking and I had seen enough bugs around that I figured if worse came to worse, the chickens could eat bugs and I could eat eggs. It is only an added bonus if they attack any roaches lurking around the yard. When the feed store had a new batch of chicks in, my mother, who is 70 and I drove over. She lives a half a mile away. I said, "I am trying to decide on 2 or 4 chicks" Her reply, "Get 6. I want 2 of them". Thus, we now have six 5 month old chickens that free range in my back yard. We got our first egg on Sat and are anxiously waiting for more...patience can be tough at times. Oh, and we definitely have caught the chicken bug. We enjoy them a lot! It is amazing where great blessings can be in watching and tending to your chickens!
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from TN
Nice to see ya,
from South Carolina!

Chickens are great roach eaters- we call our flying roaches "skateboards" because of their size. Do be careful about the chickens eating roaches that have eaten bait/poison.

Enjoy the chickens!
I have family in Phoenix, AZ! Having been raised on a ranch in Florence, they think having chickens in the city is silly. I love telling them about my silly AZ BYC friends

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