Arizona Members


9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
Tucson Arizona area
Hi Everyone!

Well, I finally got my babies yesterday. I've picked a coop design and have about a month to build it!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

I raised chickens when I was a young teenager. That was somewhere around 30 some odd years ago. ;)

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

I just bought a dozen -

(3) What breeds do you have?

1 Rhode Island Red, 5 Delaware, and 6 Barred Rock.

(4) How did you find out about

Internet searches

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?


(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I have fish, cats, and dogs. I am an Environmental compliance officer, I don't use pesticides at my home, preferring natural alternatives, like manual labor for pulling taproot weeds, and diatomaceous earth for keeping pests out of the house and garden, and using herbs and flowers for the garden pests.

I am SO EXCITED to finally have my chicks. Thanks for all the great advice and design ideas!
from Alabama. Glad you joined us. Congrats on your chicks & good luck
Hey names joe. . .i have grown p with chickens sence i can remeber . . last year i finaly got my own . . i have 2 white plymouth rocks 3 Rhode island red chicks

I am new to raising chickens. I have 2 4 week old chicks so far. a Buff Orpington and a Wyandotte. I have 4 dogs, 5 ferrets, a green cheek conjure inside. Outside in a large cage I have a rescued quail and a two rescued sparrows, one who falls over when she looks up. :) I have 2 kids. I own a Home Inspection business in the Phoenix Valley area and I am also a parent advocate for adoptive parents who struggle to get mental health help for their kids and other parents where the child is out of control or violent.

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