Around 10-11months old (Silkies) Any idea to gender?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 20, 2012
I have NO idea what they are because they are almost a year old and they have not given us any eggs OR crowing. The only thing I know about them is their position(s) in their little group. Molly (the white) is the Alpha, although Lulu (The black) often tries to over take. Lulu was sick and weak and very small when I had her and did not grow for a while so I am surprised that she's so spunky. :) Molly (white) is the alert role, too -- and often alerts to danger.

But if they ARE hens.. why the lack of eggs? Anyone have a 10-11 month old that haven't layed eggs, yet? Or a flock that hasn't?

But as to their true genders? I have no idea. Unfortunately Lulu (the black) is hard to see in these pictures. I will have to come back to her another time this weekend.

Based on what I can see of their combs they look like girls. I can hardly see the black, but if its small combed like the others its a lady as well.
And yes, I have a Silkie hen that'll be a year old in March and she still hasn't laid. One of my others just started laying a week or so ago. They're pretty slow to mature and combine that with the time of year it just makes the wait longer. Good luck!
Yes, the black one has a pretty small comb. Nothing that stands out, except she (??) has a bigger flap below just on one side.
From what I can see, I agree...they look like girls. :)

I've always had to wait a long time for Silkie eggs as well. Usually if I get them in the spring, I don't expect eggs until the following spring.
all girls and it takes silkies a lot longer to start laying...i do have some pullets that should be laying now in a different breed but yet i have not seen an egg

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