arrested development

I'd lay odds that it's the asparagus. Check out this site:

I know what you are saying with hiding in amongst the plants with a canopy over them. Mine don't free range but I did move into their run a bird of paradise in a great big planter (taller than they are). I figured those leaves are too hard to chew through anyway. So they like to sit next to the planters, in between them and the leaves provide shelter. Something like that could be a temporary solution until you figure out what plant to use.
Sounds like a plan. I will certainly check on them after I get their new place set up and get them away from the asparagus. Thanks for the temporary plant idea - I will see what I can find to get them shaded and feeling safe without poisons to react to! And thanks for being another set of eyes on the situation and giving me good ideas. Sometimes being alone is good but sometimes I get tunnel vision and have trouble seeing outside the box I have built for myself and the girls! It helps to get other perspectives so thanks again to everyone for the suggestions. I will sequester them away from the asparagus and let you know how the experiment goes. I will also report back on the plant of choice to replace the asparagus. I have a lot of work to do!
Thanks again!!
Your girls should be doing better by now, so do you think it was the asparagus? I've heard about that problem with asparagus but never actually seen the reaction so it will be interesting if that's what it was. We all get tunnel vision from time to time - can't see the forest for the trees or vice versa. You're the one who hit on it, we just ran with your ideas. But it always helps when different perspectives come into play - tends to focus things a little better. Happy to help. Just let us know how it works out.
They are still in the asparagus, I am by myself and have not been able to get them confined. Heat wave is making it difficult to finish the project and I am back to work at 4am so my work for the weekend is done. Afraid the results will be coming later. The girls seem healthy and do not seem to be bothered by this, whatever it is, it bothers me more than it does them!
My problem is a very heavy coop built by a man who had 3 helpers to bring it in and set it up. Now he is not available, his buddies are not available and I need to move the coop. I am taking it apart, board by board but it is hard work and not the only thing I have to do. My Red will not lay or sit anywhere else so she won't stay in the new area until I remove the old coop. I have no one to hold her for me so clipping her wings is difficult tho I am ready to try it on my own. She can get over the barrier I put up so until I can clip her wings or make a taller barrier, she will lead the others to the asparagus!
A lengthy way to say that nothing has changed yet and I hope to have some results at the end of the week when I can get more of the old coop removed and make the move to the new area complete.
And, yes, I find that another perspective is what I miss the most living on my own. That and another set of hands to help. Thanks again for that perspective and the suggestions. I will issue updates as soon as I have some news!
Here's another perspective I just learned (something new every day here!) - check out this current thread.

Now it all makes sense. I've had babies before and never noticed, but now I noticed my two 17 week olds have the red faces. I didn't think anything of it b/c I didn't see any swelling and they haven't been into anything different. I figured I'd watch and see. I did notice their rose combs and wattles starting to fill in though. So - totally normal at this stage. What do you think about yours - does this seem to fit?
I am thinking it is correct. They seem normal and their combs are starting to show. I thot my blonde might be an albino because her legs are really pale. Thot she might have sunburn but I am thinking this is normal. I must have been running around like the proverbial headless chicken when I had 6 of them and had no idea what I was doing because I just did not notice it before. I cannot seem to keep them from the wisteria and the asparagus, they love to hide in those places, so I have given up. They do not seem to be in any kind of distress so I think I will wait and see if maturity cures this issue.
Thanks for the heads up! Good to know I am not the only one freaking out over little stuff!

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