Art School

heh, this thing is creepier than I remember. For those of you who didn't see the original which took all of 10 mins to scribble out and was just intended as a silly thing:
I was mostly just doing this to try out a new style of shading. But man this thing is seriously creepy.View attachment 1741893

and now for some more light hearted less creepy art. Gage visited Abby and had to keep Clyde from eating James and Jack.
(this was my first try with the new shading style)
View attachment 1741894

My kitty/bat boy Cayle not wanting to try flying. ( didn't much care for this shading)
View attachment 1741900

and not really flying, more like falling. (The sky I like but the shading on the character I really don't like)View attachment 1741901
I forgot about the UNIGNORE!!! ‘Tis a marvelous creature.
In a role-playing mood again.
Oh boi, this chicken picture is really cheesy. I should burn it.

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