
5 Years
Dec 10, 2014
I have been artificially lighting my ducks in their house for almost 3 weeks. They are also given layer mash. They free range during the day and are in at night. The light turns on at 3:30 AM and off at 9:45 PM. What is going wrong?? They are all happy and everything. I added the light all at once, could that be a problem? I have Anconas. I really want them to start laying. 2 drakes 12 hens. PLEASE RESPOND!!!!
I even tried feeding them dog food for the protein. Is there anything else I could give them? I asked on here because I know there are a lot of experts on the topic. What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix it?????
I just want to have eggs sooner so I can start hatching ducklings. And last time I let them wait until they did, they didnt lay until June. Any suggestions?
@Miss Lydia
Well evidently trying to force them into lay isn't helping when you let them come into lay on their own how old were they and how old are they now?

Providing artificial light to the ducks increases hormone production. More hormones sent to the ovaries stimulate egg production in the bird. When exposed to the correct amount of light and a proper diet, birds will then begin to lay eggs. I posted on this forum to try and get help and I somehow feel that you see me as a person uneducated in the field of poultry science. Instead of stating your opinion questioning my choice to provide artificial lighting, I was looking for help on things that may be effecting the egg-laying process. So please, don't state your opinion, but state facts that may help my ability to have my birds lay eggs. Thank you.
Providing artificial light to the ducks increases hormone production. More hormones sent to the ovaries stimulate egg production in the bird. When exposed to the correct amount of light and a proper diet, birds will then begin to lay eggs. I posted on this forum to try and get help and I somehow feel that you see me as a person uneducated in the field of poultry science. Instead of stating your opinion questioning my choice to provide artificial lighting, I was looking for help on things that may be effecting the egg-laying process. So please, don't state your opinion, but state facts that may help my ability to have my birds lay eggs. Thank you.
Please Excuse me I was basically trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Yes I don't believe in using artificial lightening because I think there must be a good reason why ducks lay at certain times and then don't lay at certain times, body clocks is what I call it. I am sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way I understand about hormones and ovaries and egg production But I will say you probably do know more than me. I will bow out now and let someone else try and help.
Please Excuse me I was basically trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Yes I don't believe in using artificial lightening  because I think there must be a good reason why ducks lay at certain times and then  don't lay at certain times, body clocks is what I call it.  I am sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way I understand about hormones and ovaries and egg  production  But I will say you probably do know more than me. I will bow out now and let someone else try and help.

I am sorry. I didn't know you were just trying to get to the bottom if the problem. I am a 15 yr old student who wants to go into a career in poultry science. Since I was little I loved to hatch eggs. I tried to get my hens to lay earlier just because I get excited about the hatch season every year and I wanted to start it earlier. (And because I got some new Ancona colors in the flock). But I am sorry if I lashed out. Thanks for trying to help.
I am sorry. I didn't know you were just trying to get to the bottom if the problem. I am a 15 yr old student who wants to go into a career in poultry science. Since I was little I loved to hatch eggs. I tried to get my hens to lay earlier just because I get excited about the hatch season every year and I wanted to start it earlier. (And because I got some new Ancona colors in the flock). But I am sorry if I lashed out. Thanks for trying to help.
it's okay honest since I don't use artificial lightening it's best I stay out of this conversation anyway. I wish you the best with your ducks, Ancona's are a lovely breed.

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