Ask a chef

^That is a lot of work to boil an egg! Wow!

Not really. The only tricky part is adding the ice and then setting a timer.

You should see some of the tricky things I do! I made cream of mushroom soup Monday using chicken stock I made from an home grown cockerel on Sunday. Two days to make a simple(but out of this world) mushroom soup
Americas test kitchen--works because of the need to cook the white differently from the yolk. There is a smell to them but not bad sulfur from burnt eggs:

Bring a 3 qt sauce pan of water filled half way with water and bring to a boil
get 12 ice cubes in a bowl
Add 6 eggs to the hot water using a spoon so that they do not crack
Bring back to a boil and boil for one minute
Add the ice and bring back up to a boil
Let gently boil for 12 minutes for large eggs

Immediately cool the eggs with cold water. You can peal them at this point or store in the fridge in a sip lock bag

I love the way ATK acts like they've invented the wheel with every recipe.
Here is how I have been making my HB eggs for decades and they are perfect---no green ring, no rubbery whites, no chalky yolks.
I bring the eggs to room temp, or close to it. I drop them gently into the boiling water and bring the water back to a boil, roll the eggs around a bit, cover the pot, and take it off the heat completely.
Let it sit for thirteen minutes. You might have to experiment with this---I like the yolks to be creamy with the whites firm but not rubbery but YMMV.
Lift them out into a bowl filled with ice and water, mostly ice.
Many ways to make a good hardboiled egg!! :)
Today Shabat dinner
Sea Bream in lemon olive oil,salt, pepper cumin, fresh garlic and Sumak.

Fresh organic whole grain spellt sower dough (5 years of age!) Bred


Home made pasta with home made pesto souce, wonderful salad
And home made cheese cake and freshly rosted coffee!
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For the red rolls
1. 1-2 beets boiled( I Cooke them in the micro wave)
2. 1 kilo White flour or white spelled flour.
3. 30-40 grams of dry yeast
4. 25 grams of salt
5. 300-350 grams of water( I weight the water on scales!)
6. 50 grams of olive oil.
You crush the beet with some water to a smooth paste.
In a bowel you put the flour add the yeas and mix, add the salt and mix,
Add the oil and mix, add the beet and mix, then add slowly the water until you have reach a nice,elastic, dough. Don't be afraid to add some more flour if it us to sticky or some water if it to dry!
Knead the dough for about 10 minutes and let the dough to rise covered with a plastic bag or plastic wrap, until doubled it's volume. Then arrange two baking trays covered with baking paper and let the rolls you have created. I cut pieces of 50-100 grams and made from them a simple knot. Apply on them beaten egg, and sprinkle some sesame seeds. I forgot to mention during this time you should turn on the oven to 200 degrees C on a fan mode and put in the ovens bottom a bowl water.
Then put in the oven the rolls and bake to perfection!
The green ones are the same just replies the beet with 200-300 gram spinac.

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