~Asmalp Forest: An Elf RP!~ (NEW OWNER, PLEASE LOOK!)


The Chicken Princess
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Attention: Since Nix is leaving BYC for a bit, I will run Asmalp Forest until she returns. Until then, please carry on as normal.
Oh, and please send me your joining forms, not Nix, as she won't be here to answer them!!

There's a storm coming, a mighty big one at that. When she comes, we'd better be prepared, when she comes, there will be deaths.


Types of elves:
They have two horns on the top of their heads. Good at healing, navigation and astronomy. They usually have light brown to dark brown hair and green or brown eyes. Excellent sight.
Very dark skin and amber eyes. Good at tracking and hunting. Devan elves have a strong connection to the earth. Can smell an animal from a mile away.
Slystis elves are pale and have blond hair and blue eyes. Some say they descended from water spirits and angels, but no-one can prove angels exsist. They are very dreamy and tend to slack off. They enjoy art, singing, music and dancing. They are usually storytellers or entertainers.
The forest elves are what most humans think all elves look like. Pointed ears. Love of bows and arrows. Your average elf. Forest elves are very wise and usually considered the only true elves. They're much much different from any other elf.

Signing form:
Elf Type:
Your sentence:

Aktura likes Todyn.

We need someone new to be king while Nix is gone. We will vote on who should take over his position.

 44 year old Slystis. Tall, long dainty fingers, very long, back length brown hair (Thats the odd thing about her) blue eyes
. Kind, gentle, very smart, loves to write and play her harp. She, although she is Slystis, she has brown hair.(ChickenDiva)

Aktura: 40 years old Forest. She has a long, red-brown braid. One eye is blue, the other green. She has a grey pony called Heartsong. Aktura is determined, strong willed and loyal. When she was born her mother promised her to the earth mother. Aktura means strong in the old language.

Ashlyn, some elves call her Ash. A 33 year old forest/devan. Choppy shoulder length chocolate brown hair, bright green eyes. Quiet, deadly archer, good swordself.
 Her mother was a Devan warrior, she died when Ash was born. Her father was a Forest hunter, he died when she was 22. 
Other: Her sword sheath and quiver are the same color as her eyes, as well as the sheath for her hunting knife that she keeps in her right sleeve. Her sword was her mother's, and her bow and knife were her father's. All her weapons have a emerald on them, her sword and knife have theirs on the hilt and her bow has one above the spot where the arrow fits on the wood part (I don't know what that spot's called, if it even has a name).(chickenfur)

Jessyn: Most call her Jess. A fairly young(42) forest elf.
Of small stature, with long flowing chestnut-colored hair with reddish streaks in it. Keeps a strand of it braided with white ribbon near her right ear. Slanted, glittering blue eyes, a small nose, and rather pale skin with a slight spattering of freckles below her eyes. Thin, solemn lips that, when they do smile, have the most beautiful smile imaginable. Small feet, nimble fingers that are perfect for placing the arrow and pulling back the bowstring.
She is quiet, thoughtful, a nature lover. Often retreats deep into the woods to read a book or just daydream beneath the cooling shade of tree. An animal lover, though she doesn’t hesitate to kill in order to feed herself and others. Although very young, she is friendly toward children and plans to marry and produce her own brood of children someday.
Her mother’s name was Aleda, though she died from a sweeping plague. It is believed that Aleda was not married to Jessyn’s father, and nobody knows who he was.
No one knows exactly where Jessyn came from. Aleda was found wandering in the woods, pregnant and in a depressed mental state. After much counseling she was brought back to normal. Jessyn’s birth was very hard for Aleda and it weakened her greatly.

Todyn: most just call him Tod.
A 55 year old devan. Dark, earthy brown, shoulder-length hair that sweeps like a forelock in front of his forehead, hiding his arched eyebrows. A goatee-type beard that connects to a short mustache – both the same color as his hair. Sharp, clear eyes. Remarkably pale skin for a Devan elf. Keeps a piece of rope braided around his left forearm. Wears a ragged green v-neck shirt and light brown trousers. Black moccasin-like shoes. Always keeps a short silver sword with a golden handle with him – it’s a mystery to everyone, as no one knows where it came from or why Tod has such a special sword.
He is humorous – when you get him to talk, that is. He’s the sarcastic type, almost a Robin Hood, although he spends most of his time hunting, hiding out in the woods, and polishing his mystery sword. No one knows exactly who he is and he strikes most people as a thief and a robber. Hardly ever seen, he is a favorite with the ladies for his handsome looks.
Nobody knows about his parents.
He’s basically a mystery to everyone. He walked out of the woods one day, avoiding everyone’s glance. He’s an excellent huntsman and gymnast, and he often practices handsprings, handstands, backflips, backbends, roundhouses, and more in the woods when he thinks he’s alone.(Dutchgirl)

Lucinda: Everyone calls her Lucy. She is a 40 year old Slystis, mixed with Forest and is very pretty. She has brown hair and hazel eyes and is average height. Although she is quite skinny, she is wonderful with a bow and arrow and is a fabulous hunter. She does not slack off like a Slystis, as she inherited her mother's Forest traits more. She inhereted some of her father's Slystis talents and her mother's looks. She normally wears her hair in two long brown braids. She has a secret, though. She owns an enchanted bow and arrow, that hits exactly on target, every time. Nobody knows this, but Lucy learned enchanting from her father, a very long time ago. she thinks of her talent as a burden and prefers not to use it, only in emergencies.


Bella: a female warrior, with an unknown background, has blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a nice personality, and does not know who her parents are.

Singers(they sing at festivals and at night to keep away bad dreams):

Wyllow: She is a 24 year old half Devan, hald Slystis. She has Losely curled shoulder length Gold blonde hair with long side bangs that are usually pulled back a flower. Amber eyes like a Devan and dark skin like one as well. Usually wears a lose, white peasant style dress that has short puffed sleeves that come off the shoulder, gathers at the waist with a leather belt, and has slits that start at her mid thighs at either side, showing off her strange pink tattoo like markings and tanned legs. She wears a silver toe ring with small designs on it and has pink painted toe nails. She is Bubbly, creative, friendly, good dancer and singer. Hates fighting and tries to avoid it when she can, as she prefers to entertain.



She is a mix of Rlynyn and Devan. Raven is 15.
Has horns, brown eyes, dark brown hair.
She is tough and stubborn. Will do anything to protect her brother.
 Mother was a Rlynyn, father a Devan

 Like Raven he is a mix of Rlynyn and Devan
. He is 7. Has horns, dark skin, white hair, amber eyes. He is quiet and obedient. Will do anything to protect his sister if he thinks he needs to.
Mother was a Rlynyn, father was a Devan.(Ember.Opal)

-All BYC rules apply
-Don't be too gruesome
-Please don't argue about unrelated matters
-Inactive members may be deleted, if I remember that they have been absent for a while, but really, I don't keep track.
If you fail to follow these rules you will be deleted/banned.
-Keep things family friendly, please.

Moonfall: Dawn/sunrise
Sunfall: Twilight/sunset
Sun: Day(eg. 5 suns=5 days), or daytime.
Moon: Month or nighttime.
Fulling: The time on and around the full moon.
Middling: The time between the full moon and new moon.
Newing: The time on and around the new moon.
SunSoar: Midday.
SunDive: Afternoon.
SunRise: Morning.

Map of the area:

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Lucinda messed with her bow, running her fingers over the white birch used to make the bow. She picked up an arrow, with her signature blue lark feathers trailing from the end. She shot the bow at a tree. It hit on target, like always.
(There's just going to be a big storm ad everyone is preparing by making extra food, re enforcing their huts, etc)

(on the old one the storm had already started, they were all in The Caves)
(There's just going to be a big storm ad everyone is preparing by making extra food, re enforcing their huts, etc)

(on the old one the storm had already started, they were all in The Caves)

(Oh, ok. Let's just start there.)

Lucy was huddled in the cave, still examining her bow. There wasn't much to do in a storm-ridden cave.
Ash walked over to the entrance of the cave and sat down cross-legged. She pulled out her bow and polishing oil and started to polish the bow.

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