aspirating??? infection? inexplicable panting - arg, help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Hello again -

Been posting the last few days about my nine month old buff orp. Found her limping a couple of mornings ago. Brought her in and she's been resting since. Two days ago she started panting. Yesterday it was more frequent and with eyes closed. Eating on and off but not as much as usual.

Cant quite figure out whats wrong with her - her leg is a little warm but its hard to tell if thats because of an infection or because she has it tucked under her all day. No visible injuries or signs of frostbite.

She was happt to see corn and sunflower seeds today and was preening and actively trying to eat the applesauce from the syringe, which is all a step up from yestersay and the day before.

Decided to try giving her baby aspirin in a syringe with applesauce - hoping it would help with any pain and stop the panting. She loved it but still panting. Gave her some water and some pedialyte thinking she may have been dehydrated. Still panting.

Despite my best efforts to keep the flow of liquids going smoothly down, there were still moments were she obviously had it go down wrong and actively tried to cough/sneeze fluid out. There was a momentary clicking but then it stopped.

Did I essentially just kill my sweet girl by causing her to aspirate??

The panting DID begin BEFORE I tried to help, so that isn't exclusive to my intervention. I'm thinking the vet is the only way to go but as we're in the midst of a snowstorm that idnt really an option just yet. What else can I do in the meantime? I don't have any anribiotics doe the chickens - this is my first time with them. I do possibly have baytril anfd prednisone left over from my pet rats but that's about it.
This morning she's still panting on and off but is also preening a little and making some sounds which she  wasn't doing yesterday. I even saw her stand up and turn around and look for something to eat. This panting is freaking me out though.
Bumping this because I'm worried and overwhelmed.

I'm doing research as fast as I can because I know time is extremely valuable in these situations. Still, I'm a newbie so I'm really struggling.

I noticed small black spots on her comb and my other Buff Orps comb in late summer. Didn't think much of it since they've been acting normal, eating well, etc. Now wondering if they have Fowl Pox.

While giving Nugget (sick hen) fluids via syringe last night, I noticed a small yellowish-white spot on the inside of her beak. After more research, I'm trying to figure out if this is canker.

A vet visit is necessary but I'd like to know as much as I can ahead of time.
Hello RoseCassFarm,

I just read up on canker. It sounds like it, from the loss of appetite, discharge from her beak, and the yellowish spot on the inside of her beak. If you could get some pics uploaded, that would be great.

Here is a like with some info on canker and how to treat it, if it does end up being canker.

Sorry I'm not much help, but hopefully someone with more experience will be able to help you.


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