Assess my coop for extra ventilation with deep bedding


Feb 28, 2022
Leyden, Massachusetts
I have remarked in previous threads that I recently “inherited” a coop in a barn in Northern Mass/Southern Vermont and intend to use deep bedding. The coop is about 13’x10’, and the run is perhaps 12’x8’. Based on everything I’ve learned here (thank you!), I think I may need more ventilation. I have taken some pics — not award-winners to be sure — just to give you folks an idea of the space.

There is a door that goes from the barn side into the coop and then a double door that goes from the coop to the run (which I plan on reinforcing with hard cloth). The coop has a window (perhaps a little larger than 2’x3’’) that goes out to a paddock. There is also a “gated” window inside the barn that looks into the coop and measures perhaps something over 2’x3’. The roosts are slightly below the height of the window that faces the paddock. FYI the coop floor appears to be some kind of PVC likely on top of soil, though I can’t tell - it may be on top of concrete.

Should I put in more ventilation? I could install a vent above the door that opens to the run, for example. Thoughts?

Thank you!! (Oh — and I haven’t cleaned out the coop yet! Chicks are coming in April and will be in the brooder in our house for several weeks.)

The wall facing into the run is an ideal place to add more ventilation, as the roof and the run itself will help buffer and protect the vents. I'd consider maybe 2 top hinged windows similar to the one that you currently have (though I'd hinge it to open out) so that in case of strong storms, you can partially lower it to keep the elements out.
The wall facing into the run is an ideal place to add more ventilation, as the roof and the run itself will help buffer and protect the vents. I'd consider maybe 2 top hinged windows similar to the one that you currently have (though I'd hinge it to open out) so that in case of strong storms, you can partially lower it to keep the elements out.

This is an excellent idea.

Make the windows top-hinged so that they are their own awnings against strong storms.

Also, how is the barn itself ventilated?
The wall facing into the run is an ideal place to add more ventilation, as the roof and the run itself will help buffer and protect the vents. I'd consider maybe 2 top hinged windows similar to the one that you currently have (though I'd hinge it to open out) so that in case of strong storms, you can partially lower it to keep the elements out.
Oh thank you! That is an excellent suggestion! So you think a top-hinged window to the outside with hardware cloth?
This is an excellent idea.

Make the windows top-hinged so that they are their own awnings against strong storms.

Also, how is the barn itself ventilated?
That’s a good question. Apart from opening the big front and rear doors, and the other two stall doors that open into the paddock, you cannot open the windows. The “loft” upstairs has two big swing windows but I wouldn’t keep those open all the time.
That’s a good question. Apart from opening the big front and rear doors, and the other two stall doors that open into the paddock, you cannot open the windows. The “loft” upstairs has two big swing windows but I wouldn’t keep those open all the time.

You probably need some upper-level venting in the barn. Again, top-hinged windows would be good because they are their own awnings.

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