Assess thyself

I think I missed 3 of the 25 SAT items, which are the easier items on the test. Proof of cognitive crippledom.
I think I missed 3 of the 25 SAT items, which are the easier items on the test. Proof of cognitive crippledom.
Getting 22 out of 25 problems correct is more than 80%, and easiness is, to an extent, dependent on the person doing the problems. My father finds graphing easy, while I find it to be the worst thing in the world; similarly, he can't get his head around biology, while I seem to be doing fine with it.
Stop putting yourself down, dang it. You don't have to be perfect; you don't even have to be anywhere near perfect. If you can do passing in school, then that's good enough as long as you keep it consistent.
Telling yourself that you're stupid/retarded/cognitively crippled is only making things harder for you because you believe it and lose any confidence that you have in yourself. That just makes everything harder, not to mention the toll that it takes on your mental health.

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