Assisted hatch chick with problems


Mar 3, 2022
I had 18 out of 19 eggs hatch without issue but one was delayed by probably 24 hours. Maybe more. When we did help it out of the shell I realized why. I think it was malpositioned with one leg behind instead of forward where it couldn’t push to crack the shell. It seems like it is weak on its whole right side and still cannot hold its head up well. I’ve left it in the incubator and just tried to hold it in the correct position to walk but unless I hold its head up it cannot stay that way.
I just don’t know if it is even possible to rehabilitate this chick. And I’m not sure how to humanely put it down. All the other chicks are healthy and strong.
I assisted the hatch yesterday morning. The chick is still trying. It still chirps and is trying to get around.
im really conflicted. I can post a video if it would help.
I guess I’m just not sure if it can be rehabilitated. Maybe it could. I don’t know. I’m not sure I could do that with scissors. But I’m sure it would be the quickest method.
I guess I’m just not sure if it can be rehabilitated. Maybe it could. I don’t know. I’m not sure I could do that with scissors. But I’m sure it would be the quickest method.
The ugly truth is that a mother hen would push it aside and let it die or peck it to death. As bad as it sounds, at least the scissors would be quick. Hatching chicks comes with some hard decisions sometimes. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I'd give your wee one another day or two, with you ensuring that it's getting food & water to reduce suffering before making the decision to cull or not.
If at the half-week mark you've seen no improvement, it's probably kindest to cull, UNLESS you intend to provide mobility solutions and repeated daily visits to both entertain and sustain your handicapped bird.
No judgement from me, just putting both extremes on the table so that you can search your own mind and heart for the best solution for you and your flock.
Praying for you and your feathered family.
It died last night. We did what we could. It was a crapshoot either way. Help it or let it die in the shell. I really feel that it would never have been able to hatch normally because of it’s weakness /deformity. On a good note it’s brothers and sisters are incredibly strong and full of life. I’ve never seen such active little chicks! I still can’t believe how many hatched! 18 out of 22 with a cheap Amazon incubator.

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