Assisted Hatch - Need Help - Day 25


This egg is the one that I see movement in. It is the beak moving around. The vessels are all very red and full of blood.

This is the one moving.
Ok, need some advice. Our first hatch was 4 out of 12. This time we are at 3 of 15. 3 eggs were bad at lockdown, 3 have hatched, 1 pipped yesterday and died today before zipping or hatching. The other 8 have not pipped and day 23 just started. Temp has been 100-102 in a still air. Humidity has varied, but air pockets look to be a good size. In the first batch, 6 didn't develop past maybe a day or two and the remaining two had developed, but one died a few days before hatch. The last was alive at day 25 when I was eggtopsying. I did it like an assist guide said, and allowed it to still develop and absorb blood in vessels. It died. The egg that died before hatching in the second batch also still had blood in vessels. I'm wondering if the development is delayed and what may be causing it.
I just eggtopsied the second hatch. We hatched 3 out of 15. 3 Eggs were tossed at lockdown and one pipped but died before hatching. That left 8 eggs. Here is what I found...

Egg 1

Egg 2

Egg 3

Egg 4

Egg 5

Egg 6

Egg 7

Egg 8

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