Assisted hatching after drop

Wow there was lots of blood from my drop. It also popped a vessel near the air cell with its leg it looks like.

It was positioned upside down. I imagine this egg was too small?

Could my drop actually have saved it by getting it air? Lol. I’m going to tell myself that.

Had a freshly absorbed yolk just hanging on, so I left it to come off on its own but did not think it needed to be in a cup. I think it’s going to make it. Thanks for helping, everyone.

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Yes @aart i have! This summer I did 100 or so shipped eggs and it was a disaster I had so many issues and so many necessary assists with sticky chicks and shrink wraps and all the rest. I’ve been running these broiler eggs in the incubator to see if it’s me or the eggs.

I’m removing this from the tally because I shouldn’t have set that small of an egg with a broiler chick inside of it anyway. If I do that, I’m at 100% no assist hatch rate so far.

I think shipping eggs does so much to the egg we will never totally understand.
Congrats on helping!
Do you have any corn starch, it'll stop any bleeding. I think you should just assist it the rest of the way. If it has yolk still then stick it in a cup.

When I had an egg that broke from a chick hitting it hard, the membrane started to dry out over the chick. I put coconut oil on the membrane and helped the chick the rest of the way. It still had some yolk so I out it in a cup for 24 hours and it absorbed everything. The chick survived and is now outside.
On closer inspection I feel like the veins are not connected at all and I’m going to investigate.

:fl:fl:fl I'm holding my breath for you and hoping for the best!! You've helped in more difficult hatches and were successful. If it's going to work out then you would be the one to save it!

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