Assorted Bantam Chicks - What Breed? + Eye Trouble


Mar 21, 2015
Today we got 4 new bantam chicks! One of them, (black and yellow spotted) has its eyes closed. Unfortunately we didn't notice until we got home, but I am trying all I can to help it get better. I've given it water with olive oil, ACV, and vet RX mixed in, and have put drops in its eyes. Let me know if you have any tips. Anyways, here are pictures of each chick. I'm not sure what breed they are. The brown with orange around its eyes and the black and yellow are both very fluffy and a bit larger than the other two.

#1: Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam
#2: Almost looks like a Golden Laced Polish.
#3: Black Old English Game
#4: Probably Mottled Houdan
The brown with reddish golden head definitely looks like a golden laced Polish now that you mention it! I think the black could either be a black Old English Game or (I hope) a Rosecomb. Mottled Houdan looks about right for the last one, although I'm still not sure it will make it. Now we have the challenge of thinking up names!

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