At what age can I separate a chick from it's mother?


10 Years
May 3, 2009
Stratford CT
I have a six week old chick that is still very attached to it's mother, and a loner chick I incubated. I'd like to put them together so the loner realizes it is actually a chicken and not a person that sleeps in the bathroom every night, lol.

At what age can I separate the other chick from it's mother and put them together? I'll have to put them where the mother can't hear them at first, I tried putting the loner in with the mother but she just keeps attacking it.
Momma is going to chase the chick off soon if it is six weeks now - maybe another week or so. you could bring them together now. Has Momma returned to laying eggs? I think now is fine and then the two chicks may bond.
my chicks are over six weeks and their mama protects them with just as much viciousness as the first day so idk:/

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