At what age can I take Mama from chicks?


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Eatonton, Ga.
I have a trio of 2 week old Seramas that are still with their Mama in the Broody pen. I want to let Mama out and put a red light in for Chickies so I can handle them more and get them used to me. They are so skittish and run from me everytime I try to handle them, even though their Mama is a hand raised Serama and used to being Human handled.
I have another clutch of 8 eggs under another Mama that will be hatching in another 12 to 14 days. When these hatch I would like to introduce them to the older chicks as soon as possible. So my questions are
Can I remove the first Mama from her 2 week old babies now?
How old should chicks be before putting them in with chicks of the same breed that are 4 weeks older?

Thanks MeriLynn
If they can find the food and water on their own I don't see why you can't take the mama out. I have some one week olds that I am sure would be fine without their mama in the coop if I were to take her out.
Thanks Scoop! I have raised "StoreBought" and mail order babies under lights for years, but never have I attempted to take Natural hatches from their Mamas so I was a bit worried!
Now on to another question........ Papa Serama was with the family for one week, he got along very nicely with the new arrivals and Mama , but then after just one week , he became aggressive towards Mama so out of the brooder pen he came! Mama is now very anxious to get back together with her Mate, is this a good idea? She was very intent on keeping out of his way while with the little ones, but if she is back into the general population again , without her brood,should I keep them separate for a while?

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