At what age can you tell sex in BA, RIR and BR?

Yea I was taken in by the BR in the title as well. Then subsequently read what I thought was written and not what was actually there.
Oh well.... More coffee, that's the answer, i'm sure.
Sorry guys, BR meant Buff Rock.. (which is what they were sold to me as, not sure if they're actually Orpingtons or not). And thanks for all the tips, I'll check out their legs when I get a chance later today... also.. if the feather sexing is accurate I may have a lot of roos... I did check them at 2 days.. yikes!
Feather sexing is only accurate if you breed for it. There is a great deal of misinformation out there about how it works. If it were true that males are naturally slow-feathering and females are naturally fast-feathering, then you couldn't breed feather-sexable chicks because you need a fast-feathering rooster to breed with slow-feathering hens! Where would you get them?

BTW, Orpingtons have white skin so pink legs on chicks while Rocks have yellow legs. That's one easy way you can tell. There are a couple of hatcheries offering buff Rocks so it's possible, they just aren't nearly as common.

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