At what age do chickens molt?


11 Years
Mar 4, 2008
Black Hills of SD
If anyone could tell me at what age chickens molt, I would really appreciate it. My flock is only 6 months old, but several appear to be molting. Is this normal?
Normally it would be later. I did have one molt at 9 months old. Does your show any other symptoms? Is anyone maybe picking at her? What are you feeding her? Maybe we should weed everything out to try and make sure what you are seeing is a molt.
If you see no mites/lice, that is a good sign. Check for new feather growth and keep an eye out for any bad symptoms that may arise. Sounds like she might just be an early molter.
If you see no mites/lice, that is a good sign. Check for new feather growth and keep an eye out for any bad symptoms that may arise. Sounds like she might just be an early molter.

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