At what age do runners get their drake feathers?

I'm not sure exactly when they get their drake feathers in (sometime after 2 months at least - probably closer to 3 or 4 months
) - I never really pay attention, because they're so easy to sex by voice long before that.
Female ducklings will start to quack anytime between 2 and 7 weeks (generally around 5 or 6 weeks) of age - a loud, honking sound. The males will continue peeping, and then sound sort of raspy, like they have laryngitis, at around 6 weeks.

Only female ducks make that distinctive "QUACK!" sound that we associate with ducks. The males sound like a raspy, whispery glockenspiel.

There's a great thread on sexing ducklings here:
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Female ducklings will start to quack anytime between 2 and 7 weeks (generally around 5 or 6 weeks) of age - a loud, honking sound. The males will continue peeping, and then sound sort of raspy, like they have laryngitis, at around 6 weeks.

Only female ducks make that distinctive "QUACK!" sound that we associate with ducks. The males sound like a raspy, whispery glockenspiel.

There's a great thread on sexing ducklings here:

YES! I have two Pekin ducks and one Pekin drake, then!
hmmm I think I have 4 boys and 6 girls then....... not sure until i hear a good quak. they are almost 3 weeks old and still peeping
i have ducks that only quack if i handle them/pick them up. is it possible they are female and just quiet or can males quack if they really want to?

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