athese breeds good for setting on eggs?


14 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Buff orpingtons
Cornish rocks
light brahmas
White leghorns
i have tried to incubate eggs 2 times this year got 3 to hatch the 1st time but they died shortly after hatching... and zero the second time (temp spiked up to 113!)

think im going to give up on the bator!
are they good hatchers? mothers?
White Leghorns are generally known as non setters so dont count on them. Nor the Cornish Rocks.

The RIRs and EEs probably wont either

I would think your best chance of broodies of those breeds would be the Buff Orps and Light Brahmas.

But if you are wanting reliable broodies then American Games would probably be the way to go.

Silkies and Cochins are also known to be good broodies but I have had a couple and none of them ever did. Silkie crosses are good too.

But I am going to build up a flock of American Game hens to be mainly a broody flock.
Buff Orpingtons are great moms. I've never had a Brahma or a RIR go broody here, but one of my nice, dark breeder quality RIR hens did go broody at her new home. If you get breeder stock, really good type rather than hatchery stock, they are more likely to retain that trait of broodiness. At least that's the way it's worked here. I've had EEs and one of my blue Ameraucanas brood, two of my blue Orp hens have been broody.

Leghorns and RIRs are not generally known for being the broody type, though there are exceptions.
EE's - Rarely
Buff orpingtons - Sometimes
Cornish rocks - No
light brahmas - Rarely if from a hatchery, quite often if from show stock
RIR - Rarely if from a hatchery, quite often if from heritage stock
White leghorns - No

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