Attack chickens!!

Katie Jo

11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Wadsworth, Ohio
I have two hens that decided in this last week that they don't like people. We hatched them and raised them, and they were skittish for awhile, but had finally come out of that teen stage. We could feed them by hand, they would sit still to be pet or picked up...very docile! All of a sudden, this week, they became aggressive. When you walk in the run, they immediately attack your shoes, wont eat OUT of your hand...but try to actually eat your hand! My daughter was pecked in the eye, and now they're even using their feet to scratch!! Please tell me this is just a phase....I'm afraid to let my daughters around them right now!! And I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous around them myself!!

So, is this a phase? Did we do something wrong? Or did my chickens contract some chicken-form of rabies??!!

Thanks in advance for any help!!
I had 8 RIR "pullets" that turned out to be roos. This is exactly what happened to me, their behavior got more aggressive suddenly, and then I noticed some of the physical characteristics differentiating themselves.

What breed, and how old are they? And pics would help us confirm hen or roo.
Well, that was the first thing I suspected about the EE.....she's 27 wks old and still hasn't laid an egg. However, my Blue Rock is DEFINITELY a hen...she's been laying eggs. The EE was the first one to become aggressive, but now my little blue rock is too!! Here's a pic of the two
Well, Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but they do both look like pullets to me! When they show the aggressive behavior, try to catch them and just carry them around. Show them you're the boss, not them, that's what I'd do if it was a rooster... Hope things turn around!
Sometimes this happens with hens. I have one old bitty girl who has always been second in command but when the boss isn't around, she will dance around me and grunt. I usually pick her up and walk around. almost like a time out, and when I put her down, she grunts again and walks away. I can't ever win with her but she has never bitten me.

I agree with the above post. Carry them around when they act this way, and even when they don't. Put them down when you are satisfied and DON'T walk away until they walk away first. If you walk away first, it looks like you are submitting to them. You can only turn your back they they make the first move. Good luck!

P.S.-Both look like hens to me. And they are very pretty.
Thanks! I'll definitely have to try this and see how it works. I can't have my kiddos in the pen if they're I'll start right away. I just hope I don't get my face pecked at!

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