Attacked by my Ameraucana Roo. Grrrrrrr!!


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I went out to let my birds out to free-range this afternoon and as I was walking back towards my house when my Splash Ameraucana roo came at me from behind and attacked my leg. I have 2 nice scratches along the front of my shin. I was shocked, he has never been aggressive, and this was totally unprovoked. He stopped and stood there and my instant reaction was to kick him. I made good contact with him and he went flying and then he went running away. He has been hiding in the coop the rest of the afternoon. I am so sad. I hope he doesn't continue to be aggressive. He is so handsome and I really wanted to breed him to my ameraucana hens that I have. I may have to make him his own bachelor pad and give him visits with the girls for breeding.
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Yep, whatever options that work best for you is the best alternative...Keep in mind that this is Spring now and the roos are randy, and you might be considerd a threat to his women...

~ bigzio
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No, I have a Sizzle Roo who is actually head roo. It is really funny to see this little sizzle chase the big roo's who are bigger and younger than him around. I also have 4 Barred Rock roo's that are about 6 weeks younger than him. He is very hormonal right now and has been the last couple of weeks. He is so handsome, he is really good to the girls and I really want him for breeding so I think he will get his own little bachelor pad so that I don't have to worry about him getting my kids.

Here is is a picture of Bozo.....
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OOoooh, Bozo is gorgeous....

I have found that cocks and cockerels do best in three's, that way they focus on each other and not YOU. I think it is pretty funny the sizzle is in charge. Most cocks do get keyed up in the spring, mine are but with each other. I have an araucana that looks like a turken right now, he's been plucked clean, head and neck. His battle partner, a black ameraucana cockerel has no upper beak horn, just bone. The smaller araucana cock who was losing pitifully all along eventually got the upper hand.

Not sure what is going to happen there but the ameraucana started the whole mess. The araucanas have never been aggressive towards me. Even the hand raised cocks.

Boys will be boys..... And so will the girls, I see they too have preferences for certain males.

Oddly, just a week or so ago they were all buddies.
I butchered my last rooster today in the morning and had him this evening for Dinner, No more roosters in my Flock , they really are very annoying to me and they stress the hens

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