Attempting adoption-- one chick was ATTACKED after 3 days by hen


8 Years
Feb 25, 2013
I'm not allowed to have roosters in my town, so I got three, day-old chicks from the feed store to put under my broody hen. I did my research and followed all the tips I found on here about when and how to place the chicks under. After 3 days of them sleeping under her, the hen being super protective, I started thinking "Wow. I did it right. This is going to work!"

Then, I found one chick today with a huge gouge out of the side of her head. She's still alive, but I'm not sure how long she'll make it (I've put her in a brooder for the moment). She is tan and the others are black, so I'm wondering if she is being singled out, or if I need to get all the chicks out of there.

Any experience with this whole adoption thing? Or suggestions for me?
This can and does happen,not all hens are good mothers,watch the other chicks or if you are concerned remove them and place in brooder.
It may have been an accident or could have been a deliberate act.
Yep, it's been 9 hours. Gold chick is still alive and the hen hasn't hurt the other two black ones. I really wonder if she noticed their colors.

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