Attempting to hatch under a broody


9 Years
Feb 29, 2012
Three weeks ago I failed to gather eggs over the holiday weekend, by Monday a hen was on them. We decided to let her do her thing. It's on day 21 and so far no evidence of any hatching. How long should I let her sit??
Did you candle the eggs to see if they were fertile? Also I heard it's 21 days from when the last one was laid, mine have gone to about 26 days or so. hope that helps.
Hope you hear some peeping soon :) It should be soon if they were viable... how many is she sitting on?
would love to see pic's when you get a glimpse of them
good luck!!
No, I didn't candle them. She's in a corner of our coop that's hard to reach and I didn't want to disturb her, or get pecked! She's a bit feisty right now! I'll wait a few more days for sure. Will she know when enough is enough, or will I have to take eggs away from her (assuming that none hatch)
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At least ten. We have six layers at we get at least 4 a day. And I didn't gather for three days!!
I know she's sitting on eggs of hens that really get along with our rooster :) so at least one or two of the eggs are absolutley fertile!
I would wait a few more days maybe a week. You can even try candling them if you feel up to it. Just try to move her from behind. I think mine are used to it. I will move them over 1 nest box candle then move them right back. They will puff up and cackle but never peck at me. I interact with them daily. When they are broody I go over and pet them and talk to them. The other get picked up and handled all the time. If she isn't used to being handled a lot I would definitely try to get her from behind or the side.
Any news? Our broody has been sitting on her eggs for 3 weeks. We candled the eggs and they all looked viable, but we are first timers, so not quite sure. Let us know how did it go for you, how many days did you have to wait until they hatched, if they did?
They nEver hatched :(. Maybe our rooster wasn't fertile or something. Bc she sat and sat. I'm hoping it happens again this summer Bc we have a couple new Roos!

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