Attention west tennessee

Hi all,
$10.00 for your purse's sounds like a great buy so you should do good..Anyway Hubby said I can incubate every single egg I get from my gal's so I should have TON'S of Barred rocks in spring....I hope I'll be able to sell them all then..
MayBe Well see...I wish I had the money to go to jackson but I don't.Maybe next time...

we get $10 to $15 for our purses, and $6 for our kids sized purses. We get $5 for our pillows. Then we only charge $1.50 for our lightswitch and plug in covers. Of course if I was setting up in Chicago, everything would be higher.

Sorry, but I couldn't get an extra table...

I can't wait to see all the stuff y'all are bringing....I am going to bring some stuff, but it's a hodge podge...I just wanna meet y'all.

guess what...I got chicks that are supposed to hatch on Saturday! I hope they pop out Friday so I can see 'em hatch....they are from my mixed pen so I don't know what they'll look like...but I know I'm gonna love 'em!

I might come. I usually buy my feed on Saturdays. I'll have to try and be earlier though. I don't really have anything for sell though. Something kept killing my chickens until they finally harvested the corn around us. I need some more hens. How many pullets are you bringing for sale Gina? Anyone else bringing pullets?
Well if you need a job then I'm very glad you found one! That is more important than this right now...I hope its a good one too.


I have a friend that is selling some australorp pullets. If anyone is interested in them I can bring some. They will be $8 each. I forgot to ask him if they are laying yet or not, but if somebody wants to know, I could ask. I am thinking of bringing a couple of 3 week old mixed chicks that I have too...I just can't decide if I want to get rid of them or not (they are the first ones I hatched so I am a little attached!)

sorry I made a total mess of my post. I was trying to upload a picture of my FIRST EGG. Don't have any idea which one of the critters laid it. It was too large to be from any of my little mixed banties. So it's probaby from the game type hens I got a few weeks ago or Maybe one of my two Standard Black Cochin pullets. Don't large type cochins still lay a smaller egg than most standard size? Anyway , who cares I still got my first Egg!!!--Wayne
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