Attn: Ladies.. Wedding gift help request

second that one !!!
Some of us ladies don't have the shape for a lot of over the counter lingerie. I rarely run across the stuff that looks good on me and big ol self. And when I do, I buy extra!
The perfect gift, in my eyes, is a break from kids, cleaning, cooking, etc. I wouldn't care what I was doing.
A movie and dinner sounds good too.
Perhaps a gift card to where she can go and buy the type she likes? I could careless what things look like, it just has to feel good. That might be a challenge for you to get for her.
Perhaps a gift card to where she can go and buy the type she likes? I could careless what things look like, it just has to feel good. That might be a challenge for you to get for her.

Oh yes, so true. Usually if it feels good, it looks good too.
A day at the spa and while she is gone have a cleaning service come in and clean the entire house. Make sure all the laundry is done as well. Send the kids off for the evening (movies, dinner out, spend the night with friends/grandparents, etc) and you and she spend the evening quiet at home with a dinner of champagne (in chrystal!), fruits, cheeses, dates, nuts, simple meats, good bread - things you can eat with your fingers and feed one another- add in candle light, conversation, movie, books etc - it's a night to remember.
Buy her an incubator and a doz. fertile eggs from someone here at BYC.
(I had to say this)

Seriously talking now, find a sitter (preferably grandparents) and take her out to a nice dinner at a top notch restaurant that you can only go to once a year and make her feel like she is the most blessed woman on earth. Have a wonderful anniversary

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