Auburn Javas?

Thanks y'all!
I will not cull any out of my breeding flock till they start to lay.
They have changed in every way so much that I don't feel like I should pick till then.
I don't won't to miss out on a great bird just because it had not bloomed yet. I would kick myself non stop if I did that.
Yes they are great birds. They are still young an I don't push them to be friendly. If they stand there and let me touch them I do but limit it to just a few so I don't cross their line. They do rush the gate when I bring treats or food in to them.
I just love the many different patterns in them.
Not boring same old same old here.
I am very very happy and have gooziecat to thank for hanging the carrot in my face non stop we I said nope no more breeds.
As you can see I caved and got them twice and loving every minute of them!
Best of luck with yours. I'm a learner to with this breed so maybe someone can step in and help us out.
My friend has 2 beautiful auburn roos, and some black Java girlies (a bear got all of her auburn girls! :(). She needs to get rid of 2 of her boys (she also has a black Java roo, so 3 roos total), and she just so scared to get rid of an auburn and then have something happen to the one she keeps!

I have 3 black Java roos, and 2 black hens from the same hatching as hers (she ordered hers from the museum, then she hatched them and gave me some). Do you think there's a chance that mine have any auburn genes? Just wondering! :)
My friend has 2 beautiful auburn roos, and some black Java girlies (a bear got all of her auburn girls! :(). She needs to get rid of 2 of her boys (she also has a black Java roo, so 3 roos total), and she just so scared to get rid of an auburn and then have something happen to the one she keeps!

I have 3 black Java roos, and 2 black hens from the same hatching as hers (she ordered hers from the museum, then she hatched them and gave me some). Do you think there's a chance that mine have any auburn genes? Just wondering! :)

From all that I have read about the Auburns they were brought back from black birds that were hatched from Auburns but sold as black Javas that showed up with so brown in the feathering. So if your chicks ever show and brown in them they can be bred together and you can bring the auburn out to be pure. Takes alot of work and note keeping but can be done. So I would say if bred with a auburn they are carriers of the gene some more then others. ( meaning if both parents are carriers you will hatch some Auburns)
If you look at my website the java page there is a link on the top that has alot of great info on them. Hope this helps you out.
I just found this thread- much to my dismay! I have been raising Auburn Javas for 2 years, and have White and Black Javas for about 5 years. My birds are from the Garfield Farms lines via the Museum of S&I and Lyle Behl near Springfield. Should have known BYC would have Java thread:) Breeding season is winding down, but I do have Auburn eggs still available.

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