AUCTION - 12 + Wheaten - Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs

SORRY YOUR ABOUT $50 behind the bids :)

Sorry, that was funny.

Hey Zootopia, just a friendly suggestion that if you want to up your bid, instead of editing your original post you might want to make a new post so every one that is following the auction will receive a notification that you did so. Thanks.
Thanks, sometime's I'm keyboard challanged.

Bid $95

Hey Zootopia, just a friendly suggestion that if you want to up your bid, instead of editing your original post you might want to make a new post so every one that is following the auction will receive a notification that you did so. Thanks.
What is everyone still doing here, move along now, nothing interesting here, just eggs, go on now move along.

The Blue Coppers are going in the bator today, they want to be joined by some pretty blue eggs. They told me so. And I need these so I can have some to add to my flock that are not related to what I have now.

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